As a DOMS-GUI user I want to be able to search using the information I have, so that I can easily see/edit the relevant record.
- I want to be able to search by media type
- I want to be able to search by archive number
- I want to be able to search for deleted objects
As a DOMS-GUI user I want to see certain infromation in the search result lines, so that I can easily choose the record I am interested in.
- I want to see media type
- I want to see record title
- I want to see archive number
As a DOMS-GUI user I want to be able to have several searches open in different tabs, so that I can ?.
As a DOMS-GUI user I want to be able to have several records open in different tabs, so that I can ?.
User story made from suggestions in sources:
- User types input: Advanced search, at least media type, title, archive number, deletion state, etc.
- Search searches records rather than single objects
- Show media type, title, archive number, ... in search results, fields dependant on result type
- Selects a result for display/editing
- Multiple simultanous searches are open in tabs
- Multiple result from search can be opened for editing/viewing in tabs