As a DOMS-GUI user, when I am editing a record, I want the following:
- I want to be able to see who created the record, so that ?
- I want to be able to see who last edited the record, so that ?
- I want to be able to edit only the fields that I need to edit
- I want to be able to see all metadata, even the metadata I do not need to edit
- If a metadata field has only a number of allowed values, I want the choice as a dropdown menu, so that I can be sure to enter a correct value
- If I am changing something important, I want to be asked "Are you sure?", so that I don't accidentally fuck something up
- I want to be able to use keyboard shortcuts for actions that I have to do often
User story made from suggestions in sources:
Ikoner2, Ikoner8, NyeFunktioner5
- A user wishes to edit metadata
- Search
- Current data shown, including who created and last edited
- Only relevant datafields for user are shown as editable
- All data is viewable
- Edits - controlled lists are dropdowns
- Misclick protection on important actions
- Keyboard shortcuts available
- Save
, multiple selections available,