Alma terminologi
Term | Definition |
<Alma base URL> | The base URL to connect to Alma, not including the path of any specific page. This URL is provided to your Alma administrator by Ex Libris. See Your Alma Domain Names. |
Access provider | The party that provides access to electronic goods or services; may or may not be the vendor that sells the access. |
Access rights | The area in Fulfillment configuration where permissions are granted to patrons that allow them to access digital and electronic resources. See Configuring Inventory Management Groups. |
Activation | The process of enabling access to e-resources for patrons. Includes confirming that the library has access to the resource and setting up technical information so that patrons have access. See Activating Electronic Resources. |
Aggregator package | A type of electronic collection that includes all titles (as opposed to a selective package, which includes only some of the collection’s titles). See Adding a Local Electronic Collection. |
Allocated balance | The total amount of money initially available for the fund. This amount doesn't change when expenditures are made or encumbrances assigned to the fund; the available balance changes. You can increase a fund's allocated balance by adding money to the fund. See Fund Transaction Terminology. |
Allocated fund | A representation of an actual budget used for purchasing. See fund, and also see Fund Transaction Terminology. |
Alma Link Resolver | Alma component that responds to external requests with a menu of physical, electronic, and digital services. For physical resources, requests are offered; for electronic resources, context-sensitive links are provided; for digital resources, direct links to the digital object are provided. The Alma Link Resolver responds to OpenURL requests as well as requests from systems such as Primo. For more information, see the training video Alma Link Resolver. En Alma komponent til eksterne forespørgsler med en menu over fysiske, elektroniske og digitale services. Alma Link Resolver sikrer, at bibliotekets brugere får det rigtige link til det elektroniske materiale som biblioteket ejer. |
Alma Viewer | An Alma tool for viewing digital representation files. See The Alma Viewer. Et Alma værktøj til visning af digitalt fremstillede filer – f.eks. JPEG, GIF, PNG billeder, PDF og Word dokumenter (browser understøttet). |
Alma-P = fysisk materiale Alma-E = elektronisk materiale Alma-D = digitalt materiale Alma-C = digitale samlinger | Delivery categories for Primo for physical, electronic, digital, and digital collection resources. See Delivery Settings for Local Primo Records Harvested from Alma. |
Analysis | The querying option within Analytics that allows a user to create a report. |
Analytics | Alma component used to manage data reports and the dashboard. See Introduction to Analytics and Terminology. |
Available balance | The money that is available for use in an allocated fund. [Available balance] = [allocated balance] - [(encumbrances - disencumbrances)] - [expenditures]. See Fund Transaction Terminology. Disponibelt beløb på et materialebudget/fagkonto/budgetkode. |
Borrowing request | A resource sharing request placed by local patron and fulfilled by another institution’s resource. Otherwise known as a resource sharing outgoing request. See Requests in Alma. |
Brief level = katalogiseringsniveau Brief record = midlertidig post | A record's brief level (1 to 10) determines if the record is brief. A brief record is one that Alma considers to have a less than ideal amount of information. En skala fra 1 til 10 afgør postens katalogiseringsniveau. I Alma er en midlertidig post, en post der indeholder mindre information end, hvad skønnes ideelt. |
Bursar Transaction ID | A unique ID sent to the bursar system together with fines and fees, in order to enable the bursar system to let Alma know when a fine or fee is paid. See Configuring Transaction IDs. Transaktions ID relateret til eksternt system for inddrivelse af bøder og gebyrer. |
Campus | A collection of buildings that belongs to a given institution. Patrons may be affiliated with a specific campus where they can request library services. Libraries may be affiliated with a specific campus, which is where their physical inventory is expected to circulate. See Configuring Inventory Management Groups and Defining Display Logic Rules at the Campus Level. Almas “Campus”-begreb kan bruges på 2 måder: enten i traditionel forstand, som et universitetscampus (AAU campus = Aalborg+Esbjerg+CPH), eller som et begreb, der dækker over en fælles mængde af biblioteker, som har adgang til de samme licenser. Det sidstnævnte kan gøre sig gældende på KB, hvorimod det ikke vil give mening på AUB. AUB’s licenser ligger enten helt oppe på Netværks Zone niveau (nationale licenser) eller på institutionsniveau (egne licenser). |
Cash balance | The money that is currently in the fund/ledger. [Cash balance] = [allocated balance] - [expenditures]. Does not count encumbrances or disencumbrances. See Fund Transaction Terminology. Læs mere på Fund Transaction Terminology. |
Catalog | The record repository of information in Alma. The catalog contains all descriptive metadata managed by a library, institution, consortium, or community. Fortegnelse over biblioteksposter i Alma. Kataloget indeholder alle de beskrivende metadata, som håndteres af et bibliotek, en institution, konsortium eller andet fælleskab. |
Central Knowledge Base (CKB) | The part of the Community Zone that contains linking information to electronic resources around the world. See Introduction to Alma Inventory Den del af Fælleszonen, der indeholder information om linkning til elektroniske ressourcer over hele verden. |
Circulation Desk | The location in the library that handles patron fulfillment. See Circulation Desk Operations. Udlånsskranke/Informationsskranke der håndterer og fuldfører lånerforespørgsler. Bemærk! Ved login i Alma skal personale angive, hvilken “circulation desk” de er tilknyttet! |
Citation | An item that a student should read or watch in a course. Otherwise known as "reading list citation". En henvisning til noget en studerende skal læse eller se i forbindelse med undervisning. En litteraturhenvisning er et enkelt element på en pensumliste. Det kan være en biblioteksressource f.eks. noget i en database, en URL, en PDF med mere. |
Cloud computing | The delivery of software and storage of data at a location (a server) remote from the physical location of the library, accessed using the internet. Alma is a cloud computing based service. |
Code Table | An Alma feature for configuring a list of items, typically so that they can appear in a drop-down list elsewhere in Alma. See Code Tables. En funktion i Alma til at konfigurere en liste med punkter f.eks. til visning i drop-down menuer andre steder i Alma. |
Collaborative Network | The overarching concept for all types of collaboration (for example, cataloging, acquisitions, fulfillment) between multiple institutions. In Alma, collaboration may include resource sharing, a fulfillment network, and/or the implementation of a Network Zone. Et overordnet koncept for alle former for samarbejde (f.eks. katalogisering, accession, fuldførelse af udlån, fjernlån og elektronisk adgang) mellem flere institutioner. I Alma kan samarbejde dækker over deling af ressourcer, udlånsnetværk og/eller implementering af en Netværkszone. |
Collection | An Alma catalog entity (top level collection or sub-collection) that groups any number and type of resources together, allowing for enhanced organization of mixed-type materials based on topic-based hierarchical structures. See Managing Collections. En katalogenhed i Alma, der grupperer et hvilket som helst antal og materiale/ressource type, for således at øge muligheden for organisering af blandede materialer baseret på et emnehierarki. |
Community Catalog | Metadata records stored in the Community Zone, which are updated as required by Ex Libris or by contributions from the community. Inventory records can link to these records; alternatively, the current versions of these records can be copied to the institution and maintained locally. See Introduction to Alma Inventory Metadataposter gemt i Fælleszonen, der opdateres som påkrævet af Ex Libris, eller af bidrag fra fællesskabet. Beholdningsposter kan linke til disse poster; alternativt kan den nuværende version af disse poster kopieres til institutionen og håndteres lokalt. |
Community Zone | Ex Libris maintained resources available to all Alma institutions. Incorporates the Knowledge Base, the Community Catalog, and Global Authority Files. Can be accessed by any institution that is part of Alma for cataloging purposes. See Introduction to Alma Inventory |
Contract lead | The institution that manages its own sandbox, or its own sandbox and the sandboxes of other institutions. See Alma Sandbox Environments. Institutionen der varetager sin egen sandkasse, eller både egen og andre institutioners sandkasser. |
Controlled Vocabulary (CV) | A list of acceptable values for a subfield in the Metadata Editor. For example, a controlled vocabulary offers options when selecting Library of Congress subject headings. See Configuring Controlled Vocabulary Registry. |
Copyright clearance | The process of getting permission to use copyrighted works. A digitization process may require performing copyright clearance. See Approving/Rejecting a Request for Digitization. |
COUNTER | Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources compliant usage statistics is explained here: See Managing COUNTER-Compliant Usage Data. |
Dashboard | A personal collection of Analytics reports. See Creating a Dashboard. |
Database | A type of electronic collection whose resources cannot be individually managed through an interface. See Working with Database Type Electronic Collections. |
Delivery | Enabling the patron who requested access to a digital resource to view or access a copy of that resource. See Configuring Digital Fulfillment. |
Delivery rules | Rules that determine how content is delivered to users and external systems. The rules are configurable by the customer. See Configuring Electronic Document Delivery Rules. |
Department | An area in the library where dedicated physical inventory actions take place, such as receiving acquired physical material and digitizing physical material. See Configuring Departments. |
Deposit | The Deposit feature allows patrons to submit digital content to Alma to be added to the repository. For more information, see Deposit. |
Descriptive Metadata | Descriptive Metadata, which appears in records in the Metadata management system (MMS). |
Digital resource | A file or group of files with metadata that exists on a local network, a server, or in the cloud. It may include, among other possible formats, streaming media, e-books, video, or images. Digital resource files can be stored and managed externally, but the metadata is managed by Alma. The resource generally requires a viewer on the user’s machine. See Managing Digital Resources. |
Digitization approval | The process of approving a digitization request. The process may include receiving copyright clearance from the proper agencies. See Digitization Processing. |
Discovery | The feature that allows a patron to find records and inventory from the Alma Repository. Primo is Ex Libris' system to provide discovery. See Primo. |
Disencumbrance | The removal of an encumbrance. See Fund Transaction Terminology. At fjerne et disponeret beløb. |
DLF Electronic Resource Management Initiative (DLF ERMI) | An industry-wide, standardized solution developed by the Digital Library Federation. DLF ERMI handles the specifications and tools needed for managing the license agreements, related administrative information, and internal processes associated with collections of licensed electronic resources. See Adding ONIX-PL-Formatted Licenses. En standardiseret løsning til licensadministration, med de nødvendige specifikationer og værktøjer til håndtering af licensaftaler, administrativ information og interne processer forbundet med elektroniske samlinger. |
DOI | Digital object identifier. For more information, see |
Drools | A business rules management system based on the JBOSS Rules engine. In Alma, normalization rules are formatted in a similar manner to this system. See Working with Normalization Rules. |
Dublin Core | As standard to describe web and physical resources. See |
Electronic collection | A collection of electronic resources that can contain packages (which include electronic portfolios) or databases (which include URLs). See Managing Electronic Collections. Electronic collections are bundled together in a vendor interface. |
Electronic resource | A digital object that is stored and managed externally from the local library or Institution Zone. See Managing Electronic Resources. |
Embedded order data (EOD) record | A record with vendor-supplied fields that describe the library’s purchase order for a resource (known as "embedded order confirmation record" by some vendors). Alma imports the EOD record, enters the description into the MMS, and turns the embedded order information into a PO line. En post med leverandørfelter, der beskriver bibliotekets ordre på en ressource/materiale. Alma importerer EOD posterne, tilføjer en beskrivelse i MMS’et, og ændrer den indlejrede ordreinformation til en indkøbsordrelinje. |
Encumbrance | A notation in a fund that a certain amount of the current cash balance is allocated to an impending purchase. Typically created as a result of a PO line. Encumbrances are canceled by disencumbrances (of the same amount) and typically replaced with expenditures (of the same amount). See Fund Transaction Terminology. |
Evaluation | The workflow to decide whether to purchase an electronic resource. One evaluation instance is a trial. See Evaluations and Trials. |
Event | An action that involves at least one entity or agent in the system. Used for audit trail purposes, you can view events associated with a job on the Running and History tabs of the Monitor Jobs page, as well as in Analytics. See Viewing Completed Jobs and the Events subject area in Analytics. |
Expenditure | A notation in a fund balance that an invoice was paid. See Fund Transaction Terminology. |
External system | An institution’s existing data management system that Alma may use as a source or target for information. Examples are a student information system or an ERP (enterprise resource planning system such as PeopleSoft). See Integrations with External Systems. |
Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) | A process that extracts data from the operational database and builds the Analytics data warehouse. See Data Privacy FAQs. |
Facets | Facets are used in search results lists to filter the results. For example, PO lines may be filtered by fund, location, or digital format. See Facets, Filters, and Secondary Search. |
FRBR | Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (see Library of Congress [PDF]) |
Fulfillment | The process by which patrons borrow and return physical resources, or access electronic or digital resources. See Introduction to Fulfillment. |
Fulfillment policy | Stipulations of a Terms of Use contract. See Physical Fulfillment. |
Fulfillment unit | A number of shelving locations with similar lending/return policies and blocks. See Physical Fulfillment. |
Full text service | A service that provides the user with access to the full text of the e-resource. See Discovery Interface Display Logic. En service der giver brugeren adgang til tekster i fuld længde i en e-ressource. |
Fund | Budgets for funding acquisitions. Funds are aggregated in a ledger. An allocated fund represents an actual budget. A summary fund is a collection of related or similar funds. See Fund Transaction Terminology. |
Import Profile | An Alma feature defining how records from a file are imported, normalized, and mapped to Alma records. See Record Import. |
Institution | A group of campuses/libraries managed together, the basic unit managed using a single Alma installation. Multiple institutions can share services and management tasks using a collaborative network. For example, a university may be an Institution consisting of a main library, a science library, a business library, and several specialized libraries. See Configuring the Institution and Its Libraries. En gruppe af campusser/biblioteker, der håndteres samlet i en fælles Alma installation. AUB er en institution og KB er en institution samlet i et fælles konsortium (konsortium=netværkszone). |
Institution Zone | The area of the Metadata Management System comprising local institutional data such as locally managed bibliographic records, locally activated electronic portfolios, and local physical holdings. See Introduction to Alma Inventory. Institutionszonen – dvs. lokal institutionsdata som eksempelvis lokalt håndterede bibliografiske poster, lokalt aktiverede elektroniske samlinger og lokale fysiske beholdningsoplysninger. |
Integration profile | A mechanism for integrating the import and export processes between Alma and an external system. See External Systems. |
Intellectual entity (IE)
| A resource that is being managed and described in the Alma system. An IE may have one or more holdings or digital representations. See Introduction to Alma Inventory. Titel enhed (IE) er øverste niveau i Almas beholdningsopgørelse. Den er typisk ikke synlig i sig selv, men optræder som et transparent bindeled mellem MARC post og fælleskatalog/lokale kataloger. |
Interested user | A user who will be notified about changes to a PO line. See Manually Creating a PO Line. |
Interlibrary loan (ILL) | See resource sharing. |
Inventory | The resources that are owned or licensed by or associated with a particular library, institution, or consortium. Incudes physical holdings and items, electronic portfolios, digital representations, and deposits. All descriptive bibliographic metadata resides in the repository and can be edited using the Metadata Management System (MMS). See the Introduction to Alma Inventory. Beholdningsopgørelse gælder ressourcer der ejes, har licens hos, eller associeres med et bestemt bibliotek, institution eller konsortium. Alle beskrivende bibliografiske metadata ligger i Almas arkiv og kan redigeres ved hjælp af Metadata Management Systemet (MMS). |
Item | The inventory level of a resource for fulfillment and usage. Items may include bar codes and other identification details. See Introduction to Alma Inventory. |
Item Policy | Stipulations of a Terms of Use contract. See Physical Fulfillment. |
Itemized set | A group of objects whose set members are determined at the time the set is saved. The set is created after searching for items using a search query, but there is no stored relation between the set members and the query from which they were derived. The data in this set is static. See also Logical set. |
Job | A scheduled, invoked, or on-request process that runs in the background. See Overview of Jobs. |
KnowledgeBase | See Central Knowledge Base. |
LCCN | Library of Congress Control Number for an item. See Creating a Borrowing Request. |
Ledger | A collection of funds, either summary funds or allocated funds. Ledgers have a fiscal period (they are relevant for a certain period of time, such as a fiscal year) which is inherited by the funds. See Managing Funds and Ledgers. En samling af konti, enten samlet kontooversigt eller fagkonti. Hovedbogen har en regnskabsperiode som nedarves til diverse konti. |
Lending request | A resource sharing request placed by another institution’s patron and fulfilled by a resource of the local institution. Otherwise known as a resource sharing incoming request. See Requests in Alma. En forespørgsel om fjernlån fra en bruger med tilknytning til en anden institution. |
Library | The basic level in the hierarchical structure of management within Alma, which is collaborative network, institution, campus, and library. A library can have departments that handled work orders, as well as locations and circulation desks that are well-known to the library patrons. See Configuring the Institution and Its Libraries. Nederste niveau i Almas organisatoriske hierarki - netværk, institution, campus og bibliotek. |
License | A contract between the library and a vendor for the lease of one or more copyrighted bibliographic databases or online resources. See Managing Licenses and Amendments. |
Local catalog | Materials managed at your local institutions. See catalog. |
Local portfolio | A portfolio that exists in the Institution Zone. See Portfolio. En portefølje der findes i Institutionszonen. En samling af al relevant information vedr. en bestemt elektronisk titel, der også kan være en del af en elektronisk samling. Kan indeholde administrative oplysninger, samt information om adgangsforhold. |
Localizing | Creating a local copy of something, such as an electronic resource. The item is copied from the Community Zone to the Institution Zone. For electronic resources, this is typically done before or while activating the resource. See Activating Electronic Resources. Der laves en lokal kopi af f.eks. en elektronisk ressource. Eksemplaret kopieres fra Fælleszonen til Institutionszonen. Ved elektroniske ressourcer sker dette typisk for eller imens ressourcen aktivers. |
Location | A physical place where items are stored (for example, a shelving location). See Physical Locations. |
Logical set | A saved search query. The items in the change every time the set is run based on the most current results of the query. See Managing Search Queries and Sets. |
Management tag | The record's brief level, as well as fields that determine whether to publish records to a discovery system or export the record. Publish and export fields can be set during record import or from within the Metadata editor. See Navigating the MD Editor Page. Viser postens katalogiseringsniveau samt felter, der fastslår om posten skal publiceres i Discovery-systemet eller eksporteres. Publicerings- og eksportfelter kan indsættes ved import af posten eller fra Metadata Editoren. |
Mapping Table | An Alma feature for configuring settings for a list of items, such as customer parameters. See Mapping Tables. Et Alma administrationsværktøj, der viser konfigurationsbare elementer, som styrer andre dele af Alma. |
MARC record | A MAchine Readable Cataloging record, a standard record format for library cataloging information, including bibliographic, authority, and holding records. See Alma understøtter MARC21 poster (Nordamerikansk format). |
Match method | Defined methods Alma uses to identify duplicate records during a record import. When a record is loaded, Alma attempts to find a similar record based on the enabled match method. See Match Methods - Explanations and Examples. En metode hvorved Alma identificerer dubletter i forbindelse med import af poster. |
Material type | The type of material, such as a book or electronic journal collection, from which an item takes its form. Note that the material type does not control the PO line workflow and can be modified when creating/editing a PO line. Unless hidden, an item's material type appears in Primo’s Get It/Details tabs. Material types are system-defined, but they can be enabled or disabled and their labels can be configured. See Configuring Physical Item Material Type Descriptions. En materialetype såsom en bog eller en samling af elektroniske tidsskrifter, hvorfra et eksemplar tager form. Bemærk at materialetype ikke kontrollerer workflow’et i indkøbsordrelinjen, og at det kan ændres når man laver/redigerer en indkøbsordrelinje. Men med mindre den er gemt, vil et eksemplars materialetype vises i Primos “Get It/Detail”-fane. Materialetyper er systemdefinerede, men de kan aktiveres eller inaktiveres, samt omdøbes. |
Member institution | An institution that is part of a collaborative network. For example, one of the institutions implementing a shared Network Zone. En institution der er en del af et samarbejdende netværk. For eksempel en nuværende eller ny institution i konsortiet. |
Metadata editor | The tool for editing and creating bibliographic and holdings records in Alma. See Navigating the MD Editor Page. Et værktøj til redigering og oprettelse af bibliografiske- og beholdningsposter i Alma. |
Metadata management system (MMS) | The interfaces, functions, and data that define institutional systems and allow them to manipulate their descriptive metadata. The MMS includes a Community Zone and a Library Zone. See Introduction to Alma Inventory. De brugergrænseflader, funktioner og data, der definerer institutionelle systemer, og tillader dem at manipulere deres deskriptive metadata. MMS’er indbefatter én Fælleszone og én Bibliotekszone. |
Metadata profile | A set of configuration parameters that define the cataloging environment you use when working in the MD Editor. See Configuring Cataloging. Et sæt konfigurationsparametre, der definerer det katalogiseringsmiljø, som du anvender, når du arbejder i metadata redigeringsværktøjet (MD Editor). |
MMS ID | The record ID number. The MMS ID can be 8 to 19 digits long (with the first two digits referring to the record type and the last four digits referring to a unique identifier for the institution). See Exporting Metadata. Also see the video Institution MMS ID in Bibliographic Records (1:49). Postens ID nummer. Et MMS ID kan indeholde mellem 8 til 19 cifre, hvor de to første cifre refererer til posttype og de sidste fire til institutionens unikke ID. Bemærk at der både kan være tale om Institutionszone ID, Netværkszone ID og/eller Fælleszone ID, og at disse numre ligger i forskellige MARC felter. |
National Union Catalogue (NUC) | Printed catalog of books from the Australia library of congress. See Publishing to Libraries Australia. |
Network Zone Netværkszone | A management tool used by a collaborative network to centrally manage certain features, such as configuration tables, licenses, and records. A virtual institution (also called the Network Zone) is used as the management interface and central repository and catalog. See Managing Multiple Institutions Using a Network Zone. Et håndteringsværktøj anvendt af samarbejdende netværk (i vores sammenhæng = konsortiet, der p.t. består af KB og AUB) til central håndtering af visse egenskaber som f.eks. konfigurationstabeller, licenser og poster. En virtuel institution (også kaldet Netværkszonen) anvendes som den administrerende grænseflade, centrale arkiv og katalog. |
Non-repository citations | Titles that are used for a course’s reading list, with no link to an Alma repository item. These are typically faculty resources that are not part of the institution’s inventory, such as an article at an external website. See Adding Citations to a Reading List. Titler der bruges til pensumlister uden link til en post i Almas arkiv. Her er typisk tale om ressourcer tilhørende et fakultet, der ligger uden for institutionens beholdning – f.eks. en artikel eller et eksternt website. |
Normalization rules | A set of rules that can be built and applied to bibliographic records in order to enhance the record. These rules may add fields, remove fields, or make changes to fields. The rules can be applied to an individual record during bulk import and as part of the global update process. See Working with Normalization Rules. Et regelsæt der kan opbygges og anvendes til at berige de bibliografiske poster. Regler kan tilføje/fjerne felter, eller ændre i felterne. Regler kan anvendes ifm. en enkelt post eller som del af en global opdatering. |
OCLC control number / OCLC number | WorldCat Online Computer Library Center control number. See Kontrolnummer hos WorldCat Online Computer Library Center. |
OpenURL | A type of Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that contains the address of an OpenURL Web site combined with the item's identification. The Alma Link Resolver responds to OpenURL requests and directs the patron to the resource. For more information, see En slags URL der indeholder adressen på et åbent URL website i kombination med postens ID. Almas Link Resolver reagerer på søgninger med åben URL og leder brugeren til ressourcen. |
Organization unit | An institution or library. Also, a library which can be configured for fulfillment and which controls the fulfillment unit collections under its control. An organizational unit may have staff users, a physical (billing) address, departments, a circulation desk, funds, and other objects associated with it. See Library. En organisatorisk enhed, så som en institution eller et bibliotek, der i systemet er konfigureret til fuldførelse og håndtering af sine samlinger. En organisatorisk enhed kan have personalebrugere, en fysisk adresse, afdelinger, udlånsskranke, konti mm. |
Packaging | An automated method by which PO lines are passed through normalization and validations and are brought together into a purchase order, ready for approval. See Packaging PO Lines into a PO. En automatisk proces, hvor indkøbsordrelinjer passerer gennem normalisering og validering, og samles i en indkøbsordre til godkendelse. |
Patron digitization request | A request by a patron for the digitization of a resource. See Digitization Processing. En forespørgsel fra en bruger eller ansat om digitalisering af en ressource. |
Patron Directory Service (PDS) | A back-end Web component that facilitates user authentication and signing in to the system. PDS is part of the standard calling application package, but it is a distinct and separate component. It does not have a user database of its own. It works with the institution’s authentication server(s) and user database(s), such as an LDAP directory service. See Alma and Patron Directory Services. |
Persistent search box | A search box consisting of various search options. The persistent search box is always available from the top middle of any Alma page. See Searching in Alma. En søgeboks med forskellige søgemuligheder. Den persistente søgeboks er altid tilgængelig fra den øverste del af en Alma-side. |
PID | Alma system number for an inventory entity. It can be used, for example, by the Portfolio Loader for matching purposes. The PID can be 8 to 19 digits long. See Configuring Search Indexes. Almas systemnummer for en beholdningsenhed. Det anvendes f.eks. af systemets Portfolio Loader til matchning. PID’et kan have en længde på mellem 8 – 19 cifre. |
PMID | PubMed identifier. See more information about PubMed. |
PO (purchase order) | A group of PO lines sent to a single vendor. Otherwise known as an order. Sending a PO is known as ordering. For more information, see Purchasing Workflow. En gruppe indkøbsordrelinjer, der sendes til en bestemt leverandør. Det samme som en indkøbsbestilling. Afsending af PO er det samme som at sende bestillinger. |
PO (purchase order) line
| One or more copies of a bibliographic item purchased by a library. Purchases can be physical, electronic, or digital, and they may be one-time, continuous (for example, subscriptions), or standing orders. For more information, see Purchasing Workflow. Et eller flere eksemplarer af en bibliografisk enhed indkøbt af et bibliotek. Indkøb kan være fysisk, elektronisk, eller digitalt, og de kan være afsluttede, løbende (abonnementer) eller åbne (standing orders). |
PO (purchase order) line type | Also purchase type. Defines the type of inventory and continuity (one-time or continuous) of the PO line. For more information, see Explanation of Purchase Types Workflow & Inventory. Ordretype. Definerer beholdningstype og varighed (afsluttet eller løbende) af indkøbsordrelinjen. |
Portfolio (Electronic Portfolio) | Electronic resource (inventory) that maintains the specific coverage (local or global), services, and link information relevant for a particular electronic title that may also be part of an electronic collection. It may include administrative/access information. See Managing Local Portfolios and Managing Electronic Resources for more information. Indeholder beholdningsoplysninger på en elektronisk ressource – f.eks. dækning, service og linkinformation, angivelse af om ressourcen er en del af en samling, samt information vedrørende administrations- og adgangsforhold. |
Primo Central Index | Primo's central database. A mega-aggregation of hundreds of millions of scholarly e-resources of global and regional importance. These include journal articles, e-books, reviews, legal documents and more that are harvested from primary and secondary publishers and aggregators, and from open-access repositories. See here for more information. Primos centrale database, der er en mega-sammenlægning af hundrede millioner af videnskabelige e-ressourcer, af såvel global som regional betydning. Disse inkluderer tidsskriftsartikler, e-bøger, anmeldelser, juridiske dokumenter mm., der er høstet fra primære og sekundære forlag og aggregatorer, samt Open Access arkiver. |
Primo/Primo VE | Ex Libris' discovery system for patrons. A single search interface that provides a gateway to a wealth of scholarly content, including print, electronic and digital collections. See here for more information on Primo. See here for information on Primo VE. Primo er Ex Libris’ søgesystem for brugere. Det har en enkel søgegrænseflade, der fungerer som portal til en overflod af videnskabeligt indhold, inklusiv fysiske, elektroniske og digitale samlinger. |
Privileges | Permissions to perform certain actions in Alma, or to access specific pages, fields, or options in Alma. A user role is defined by the privileges that it grants the user. See Managing User Roles. Tilladelse til at udføre bestemte handlinger i Alma, eller tilgå bestemte sider, felter, eller muligheder i Alma. En brugerrolle er defineret ud fra, hvilke privilegier/roller, som brugeren har fået tildelt. |
Process | A job run on a set of records. See Working with Normalization Processes. Et job kørt på baggrund af et set poster. |
Process Type | How a resource is currently being processed (processing stage or work order type). Angiver hvilken type proces, som en given ressource p.t. undergår. |
Public trial | Trial feedback may be received from a predefined trial participant group and from general users. See Managing Trials. |
Publishing | A process that extracts and formats metadata for external uses, such as for discovery in Primo. See Resource Management. Proces der udtrækker og formaterer metadata til ekstern brug, som f.eks. for Discovery i Primo. |
Purchase request | An item requested to be purchased by an instructor or patron (or on behalf of an instructor or patron). Also known as a Patron Purchase Request (PPR). See Purchase Requests. |
Reading list | A list of citations for a specific course. See Managing Reading Lists. En pensumliste er en liste med referencer til specifik kursuslitteratur. Pensumlisten kan inddeles i afsnit. |
Receiving | The process of accepting physical items shipped to the library by vendors. See Receiving Material. Modtagelse af fysisk materiale til biblioteket fra en leverandør. |
Record | A discrete, manageable entity in Alma. Examples include repository records (bibliographic records, authority records), inventory (physical items, electronic portfolios, digital representations, deposits), PO lines, users, reading lists, vendors, and so forth. Does not included stored configuration information, such as your configured code and mapping table information, your institution's logo and IP information, and other institution-specific information stored in the Alma database. En særskilt håndterbar enhed i Alma. F.eks. arkivposter (bibliografiske poster, autoritetsposter), beholdning (fysisk eksemplar, elektronisk portefølje, digital repræsentation, disponering), ordrelinjer, brugere, pensumlister, leverandører med videre. Indeholder ikke gemt konfigurationsinformation, som f.eks. konfigurerede koder og kortlagt tabelinformation, institutionslogo og IP-information, samt andre institutionsspecifikke informationer, der er gemt i Alma databasen. |
Record List | An Alma list that displays a list of Alma records. See Record Lists. |
Remote storage | An off-site storage facility. A location that is used to store physical library materials at a distance from the library. Remote storage facilities can be shared by a number of institutions and managed by a system other than the institution's library system. See Requests to Remote Storage Facilities. Et fjernlager der bruges til at opbevare fysiske biblioteksmaterialer. Fjernlagerfaciliteter kan benyttes af flere institutioner, og håndteres af et andet system end bibliotekssystemet. |
Reporting code | An attribute of a PO line or invoice line that codes a type of material within the ledger and fund system. For example: monograph, e-journal. This allows reporting on funds by attributes other than the funds hierarchy. See Configuring Reporting Codes. En egenskab i indkøbsordrelinjen eller fakturaen, der koder en materialetype i hovedbogen/budgettet. For eksempel: monografi, e-tidsskrift. Dette giver mulighed for at indberette budgetinfo uden for budgethierarkiet. |
Repository | All information that Alma has about library material, including inventory, such as physical titles and items, electronic titles, electronic collections and electronic portfolios, digital titles and representations, deposits, management collections, and authorities. The repository title record (located via an All titles, Physical titles, Electronic titles, or Digital titles search) is the bibliographic record for the title (that can be edited in the MD Editor using one of the cataloging standards such as MARC 21). The repository includes titles for which your institution may not have any inventory, as well as your institution's normalization, merge, and indication rules. All descriptive metadata can be edited using the Metadata Management System (MMS). Al information som Alma har om biblioteksmateriale (inklusiv beholdning) - såsom fysiske bøger og eksemplarer, elektroniske titler, elektroniske samlinger og porteføljer, digitale titler og fremstillinger, deponeringer mm. Postens titel i arkivet (fremsøges med en “All titles”, “Physical titles”, “Electronic titles” eller “Digital titles”-søgning), er den samme som titlens bibliografiske post (som kan redigeres i MD Editor’en ved brug af en katalogiseringsstandard som f.eks. MARC21). Arkivet indeholder titler som din institution ikke nødvendigvis har beholdningsoplysningerne på. Det samme gælder for institutionsnormalisering, sammenlægning og regler for angivelse. All beskrivende metadata kan redigeres ved hjælp af Almas system til håndtering af metadata (MMS). |
Representation | The digital record level under the bibliographic record level. This level acts as a container for the digital files. Multiple representations can be attached to the bibliographic record. One representation can be the master copy and another a derivative copy and can differ in format, resolution, or size. See Managing Digital Resources. Under postens bibliografiske niveau, er postens “fremstillingsniveau”. Dette niveau fungerer som beholder for de digitale filer. En bibliografisk post kan have flere forskellige fremstillingsniveauer. Én kan være originalen, og en anden kan være en afledt kopi, der kan variere mht. Format, opløsning og størrelse. |
| A resource request (or just "request") is for the acquisition, manipulation, movement, or processing of inventory. An external request, such as an OpenURL request, is a request to locate a resource originating external to Alma, such as a request from Primo. En forespørgsel om indkøb, ændring, flytning eller beholdningsbehandling. |
Requester | The user for whom a request is made. The request form can be filled out by the requesting user or by a staff user on behalf of the requester. See Creating a Request from the Institution. Brugeren bag en forespørgsel. Forespørgslen kan udfyldes af den pågældende bruger, eller af personale på vegne af brugeren. |
Resource request | A request to make a library resource available at a specific location for a specific purpose. The resource request may be triggered by a patron-initiated request or by an internal library work order requests. For more information, see Requests in Alma. En forespørgsel om at gøre en biblioteksressource tilgængelig på et givent sted og til et givent formål. Ressourceforespørgslen kan udløses af en bruger eller af en intern arbejdsproces i biblioteket. |
Resource Sharing | Resource sharing enables a request by a patron in one institution fulfilled by another institution. The fulfillment of the request is invisible to the patron: the patron requests and returns the item to the patron's local institution. See Resource Sharing Workflow. I Alma taler man ikke om direkte lån mellem biblioteker, men om “ressourcedeling”, hvor et eksemplar midlertidigt står på en virtuel hylde i Alma under “resource sharing”. Det muliggør, at en brugerforespørgsel fra én institution kan fuldføres af en anden institution. Processen er ikke synlig for brugeren: brugeren bestiller og returnerer materialet på hans/hendes lokale bibliotek. |
Resource sharing partner | An institution or a distinct external ILL system that participates in a resource sharing process, either as borrower or as lender. See Resource Sharing Partners. En institution eller et bestemt eksternt fjernlånssystem, der deltager i en ressourcedelingsproces enten som låner eller udlåner. |
Resource type | The type of item in the repository (based on existing bibliographic fields, such as the LDR and 008) or being ordered. A resource is physical, electronic, or digital, but may have a more specific type (not including its physical material type). See Working with the Resource Type Field and Creating/Editing an Import Profile: Inventory Information. Eksemplartype fra arkivet (baseret på eksisterende bibliografiske felter, såsom LDR og 008) eller som er blevet bestilt. En ressource er en fysisk, elektronisk eller digital enhed, men kan også være mere specifik. |
Rota list | A list of potential lending partners that are searched to fulfill the sharing request. See Resource Sharing Partners and Rotas. En fortegnelse over potentielle udlånspartnere, der fremsøges for at opfylde en forespørgsel om ressourcedeling. Typisk i forbindelse med fjernlån! |
Rules Table | An Alma feature for configuring a list of rules that are processed in order in order to control some functional flow. See Rules Tables. En Almafunktionalitet til konfiguration af regelsæt, der behandles i forbindelse med kontrol af et funktionsflow. |
Secondary search | A search field that appears above some tables and lists. Use this search to search within the table or list. See Facets, Filters, and Secondary Search. Et søgefelt der vises umiddelbart over tabeller eller lister, og som kan anvendes til søgning i tabellerne eller listerne. |
Selective package | A type of electronic collection that includes only some of the collection’s titles (as opposed to an aggregator package, which includes all of the e-collection’s titles). See Adding a Local Electronic Collection. |
Service | A resource that can be purchased by a library, with or without inventory. For example, a library might purchase access to a particular website as a service. See Manually Creating a PO Line. |
Set | A group of items or a saved search query. A set is created so that multiple items can be worked on by a job. See Managing Search Queries and Sets. A set is either logical or itemized. |
Sip ID | A number for a transitory set of records affected by a job. See Configuring Search Indexes. Et midlertidigt ID på en gruppe poster, der bliver berørt af et job. |
SIP2 | A protocol from 3M that provides a standard interface between a library’s automated circulation system and library automation devices. See Configuring SIP2 Bin Configuration. Protokol for selvbetjeningsdevices (f.eks. udlånsautomater). |
Staff user | An individual who has permissions to work in Alma. Also known simply as a user. See Managing Users. |
Summary funds | Funds that are used for aggregate reporting on the subordinate (child) funds. Summary funds can contain other summary funds or allocated funds. Summary funds are not used for ordering or invoicing. See Managing Funds and Ledgers. |
Target | An electronic collection in Alma terminology. See Electronic collection above. En elektronisk samling i henhold til Almaterminologien. |
Task | An operation waiting for manual user intervention. See Tasks in the Task List. Alternatively, a single step in a process, such as a normalization process. See Working with Normalization Processes. En handling i et IT system, der afventer indgreb/valg fra brugeren for at komme videre i en given proces. |
Task list | A list of user tasks appearing in the persistent menu. See Tasks in the Task List. |
Terms of Use | A list of predefined policies that defines the institution/library commitment to the patron and under which the service will be provided or disconnected. See Configuring Terms of Use. En liste over prædefinerede brugs- og udlånsbetingelser, der definerer bibliotekets forpligtelse over for brugeren, og i henhold til hvilken service der vil blive tilbudt eller afslået. |
Transaction | A financial activity that may impact the fund’s balance. See Performing Fund Transactions.
Transit Slip | A printed slip attached to a physical item that is placed in transit. The slip identifies the requested material and its destination. For example, see Managing the Hold Shelf. |
Transit time | The time it takes for a physical item to make it from one location to another. See Configuring Transit Time Rules. |
Trial | An instance of an evaluation of a resource before purchasing it. See Managing Trials.
Unified resource management (URM) | The Ex Libris resource management framework that allows libraries to optimize technical support, purchasing power, collections, and staff knowledge and resources. See The URM Vision. Ex Libris’ struktur for håndtering af ressourcer, der giver biblioteket mulighed for optimal teknisk support, købekraft, samlinger, samt personaleviden og -ressourcer. |
User group | A person with an Alma user account: a staff user, an instructor, or a patron. See User Management. Ligesom Aleph, opererer Alma med lånerkategorier: ansat, underviser, almindelig bruger etc. |
User blocks | Flags on a user’s account that can prevent various fulfillment activities such as requests or loans. See Blocking and Unblocking Users. |
User role profiles | A predefined group of roles (including scopes) that may be attached to users in one action. See Configuring Role Profiles. |
User roles | The privileges that a user has to work on Alma. A user's roles (actually, the roles' privileges) determine a user's access to certain pages, fields, options and areas on certain pages, as well as the ability to run certain jobs and processes. A user role may have a specific scope, related to a specific library. See Managing User Roles. Roller som en bruger tildeles i Alma. En brugers rolle(r) bestemmer, hvad man som bruger har adgang til, og hvilke jobs og processer man kan udføre. |
Vendor | The supplier of physical or electronic goods or services. For physical goods, the vendor is a material supplier. For electronic goods or services, the vendor is the access provider, or there may be a third-party access provider. See Managing Vendors. Leverandør af fysiske og/eller elektroniske materialer. Ved fysisk materiale er der tale om en materialeleverandør, hvor der ved elektronisk materiale eller services er tale om en adgangsgivende leverandør. |
Vendor account | A subset of the vendor; may contain business rules for specific types of data. For example, a rush account may contain contacts and instructions on how to handle this material. See Managing Vendors. En delmængde af de oplysninger om en given leverandør, der ligger i Alma. Delmængden kan f.eks. indeholde forretningsoplysninger angående særlige typer af data. En “hastekonto” kan eksempelvis indeholde kontaktoplysninger og særlige instruktioner. |
Vendor interface | A collection of electronic collections offered by a vendor. A vendor interface is also known as a platform. See Managing Vendors. Leverandørgrænseflade eller platform, der giver adgang til dennes elektroniske samlinger. |
Vendor invoice number | A number assigned to all PO lines uploaded from the same invoice file from an EOD. See Embedded Order Data (EOD) Field Mapping. |
Vocabulary | A specified list of terms developed by creators of catalogs and databases to ensure precise and comprehensive searching. The terms may vary from database to database. See Configuring Controlled Vocabulary Registry. |
Widget (komponent) | A small visual link found on the dashboard, which can be controlled by the operator. Examples include reports for graphs suitable for your area of interest, or access to a calendar, local weather, or a link to notifications. See Managing Widgets. En grænsefladekomponent |
Work order | An internal library request to route physical materials for internal processing. A work order sends an item to a work order department (marking it as not available on the shelf), where it can be managed according to internal statuses. Both departments and statuses are configurable and can be used to manage tasks according to a library’s local needs. See Managing Requests and Work Orders. En intern forespørgsel på materiale, der skal i proces for at gøres noget ved. En intern bestilling sender et eksempar til proces hos en anden kollega/afdeling, og markerer i systemet, at den ikke er tilgængelig på hylden. Både afdelinger og statuskoder kan konfigureres, så de passer til lokal praksis. |
Z39.50 | A client–server protocol for searching and retrieving information from remote computer databases. See Z39.50 Search. En klient-server protokol til søgning og genfinding af information i eksterne databaser. |