

The Bit Repository protocol supports standard archive operations initiated by clients - Put, Get, Replace, Delete - as well as operations for working on lists of files - GetFileIDs, GetChecksums, GetAuditTrails. It also supports a special operation for monitoring Bit Repository components. Finally it supports the exchange of Alarm messages, which can be initated by any Bit Repository component.

The following pages will describe the message flow and formats, before describing each operation in detail.

Message exchange protocol


  • Message flowDescribes the general messageflow in communication between the Bit Repository components.
  • Protocol messagesDescription of the different protocol messages, which operation it applies to, and their types.
  • Message formatDescription of the the XML basic message structure and format.

File Exchange protocol

Describes the underlying protocol used as the File Exchange.

Protocol versioning

Describes how a system of components supporting different versions of the protocol should work.

Operations descriptions

Documentation of the different operation primitives that the protocol describes

  • GetStatusOperation to retrieve status from components in a repository
  • GetChecksumsOperation to get checksums from one or more pillars in a given collection.
  • GetFileIDsOperation to get fileIDs from one or more pillars in a given collection.
  • GetFileInfos
  • ReplaceFileOperation to replace a file on one or more pillars in a collection.
  • DeleteFileOperation to remove a file from one or more pillars in a collection
  • GetAuditTrailsOperation to retrieve audittrails for a specific collection from one or more contributors
  • GetFileOperation to retrieve a single file from a collection.
  • PutFileOperation to ingest a file on one or more pillars in a collection.