
Information relevant for Bit Repository developers, primarily the Java based reference system.

Reference system

Description of the reference system being developed based on the specific architecture defined in the project.

  • Reference code
  • Reference pillarThe reference code based includes a full implementation of a pillar.
  • Reference clientsDescribes the clients in the reference code.
  • Reference servicesDocumentation on the concrete services in the reference implementation.
  • Reference settingsDefines the system settings for the reference components.
  • Reference librariesThe reference libraries serves as the basis of, and are used as building blocks for the higher level services and clients.


Description the the test concepts and procedures we use in this project

  • Test strategyDescription of our test strategy and how this is implemented
  • Code coverageTODO: In Progress
  • Types of testHere you can find a describtion of the types of test we use in the Bitrepository project
  • Levels of testsListing of the the different levels of test we use in the Bitmagasin project
  • Acceptance testDefines the tests need to pass for a full Bitrepository system to be accepted.

Misc. instructions

The following contains guides or instructions on developer specific topics.

Configure logging

Describes how the default logback framework is configured.