Reference system 1.0


Released: 2013-08-21.



Updating from 0.27

Audit trail DB

The information elements have have been changed from varchar(255) to unlimited strings ( BITMAG-646 - Getting issue details... STATUS ). To update the database do the following:

  • Derby: Either just run the audit trail service, which will automatically update the DB, or run the sql/derby/auditTrailServiceDBUpdate2to3.sql script on the DB.
  • PostgreSQL: Run the sql/postgres/auditTrailServiceDBUpdate2to3.sql script on the DB.
Audit trail contributor DB

The information elements have have been changed from varchar(255) to unlimited strings ( BITMAG-646 - Getting issue details... STATUS ). Both the reference pillar and integrity service databases needs to be updated.

To update the database do the following:

  • Derby: Either just run the reference pillar and integrity service, which will automatically update the DB, or run the sql/derby/auditContributorDBUpdate2to3.sql script on the DBs.
  • PostgreSQL: Run the sql/postgres/auditContributorDBUpdate2to3.sql script on the reference pillar and integrity service DBs.

The different settings for AuditTrailPreservation has been moved into a dedicated element, <AuditTrailPreservation>. This element is now optional, eg. if undefined no audit trail preservation will be done ( BITMAG-960 - Getting issue details... STATUS ). 

Old settings:


New settings (optional AuditTrailPreservation section):

Integrity reports

As part of the solution to  BITMAG-862 - Getting issue details... STATUS  a setting defining the integrity report directory has been added to the IntegrityServiceSettings section. This means the integrity service settings needs to be updated with the new setting:


type key priority summary

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

type key priority summary fixversion

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.