Reference system 0.15

Released 11 June 2012.


  • Large number of bug fix.

Updating from 0.14


Remove <ReceiverDestination> under ClientSettings and PillarSettings

Add <AuditContributerDatabaseSpecifics> to PillarSettings

Add <AlarmDatabaseSpecifics> to AlarmServiceSettings

Add <AuditServiceDatabaseSpecifics> to AuditTrailServiceSettings

Add <AuditTrailPreservationInterval> to AuditTrailServiceSettings

Change <DatabaseUrl> to <IntegrityDatabaseUrl> under IntegrityServiceSettings

Add <IntegrityDatabaseSpecifics> to IntegrityServiceSettings

Add <AuditContributerDatabaseUrl> to IntegrityServiceSettings

Add <AuditContributerDatabaseSpecifics> to IntegrityServiceSettings

Integrity service


The AuditTrailServiceDatabase has been changed, an a new field in the Contributor table has been created. No update method have been made, so the database has to be recreated from scratch.

Other services????

List of issues resolved in this release.

type key priority summary

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Issues found in this release

type key priority summary fixversion

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.