Monitoring Service
Monitoring Service
Provides monitoring of the components in a single collection.
TODO: Obsolete, should be rewritten.
Must provide following information to the system (apart from information for normal operation):
- alarms on suspicous user that can compromise security of data
- alarms on various issues of operation, e.g. specific pillar out of protocol often
- alarms concerning analysis of protocol log
- alarms of fall out of parts of the protocol
Some of third information must somehow become part of the AuditTrail.
An overview of how the Monitoring Service interchange information with Alarms and Audit trails is given in Reference services.
Monitoring Service Use Cases
Use cases for Monitoring Service
Monitoring Service Communication
Communication on coordination layer in commection with Monitoring Service
Monitoring Service Processes
Processes in connection with Monitoring Service
Monitoring Service Pillar Requirements
Pillar requirements in commection with Monitoring Service
Unresolved Issues - Monitoring Service
Unresolved Issues for Monitoring Service
, multiple selections available,