Integrity service
Regularly collecting information about the files in the various pillars, and ensuring that the files are consistent.
TODO: Obsolete, should be rewritten.
The processes of active bit preservation are essential for true bit preservation in the National Bit Repository. Thus, having a process implement these processes for every Service Level Agreement should be considered essential. This can be achieved, either by deploying the client developed for the National Bit Repository, or by implementing a different process for integrity checking.
The protocol contains functionality for listing files, retrieving checksums of files in pillars, and replacing damaged files that can be used to implement this. This functionality area describes the communications and processes needed to ensure active bit preservation.
Integrity user stories
User stories for integrity can be divided into two scenarios:
Integrity communications
Integrity communication covers conversations to collect information about state from the pillars, and conversations to re-establish a consistent state. Furthermore, the integrity will have communication to raise alarms and store logs and audit trails.
- Collection communication
- Re-establish communication
- Integrity log communication
- Integrity alarm communication
Integrity Client processes
The integrity processes serve to cover collection of information, check of integrity based on collected information, re-establishment of integrity, as well as logging and alarming based on the other processes.
- Collect integrity inf. process
- Check inf. is up-to-data process
- Integrity check process
- Correct integrity errors process
- Log integrity inf. process
- Re-establish inf. process
- Integrity Cache database
- Update according to changed SLA
Integrity Pillar requirements
Pillar requirements for integrity mostly correspond to the requirements from the used functionality, but restore after a mass loss may introduce new requirements.
Design Decisions - Integrity
Integrity design discussion
Unresolved issues - Integrity
Integrity service settings
Describes the configuration options found in the Reference settings.