Test cases
Test cases
The tests which needs to run to ensure the system is ready for release
- TEST1 — Test basic start and stop of selective-,event- and snapshot harvesting, scheduling and deduplication.
- TEST2 — Test snapshot harvesting in detail and subsequent follow-up harvesting
- TEST 3A — Test of the Bitpreservation functionality
- TEST 4 — QA-1 (Secure viewerproxy, secure adm-machine, excludes, missing links, password-protected material, caching , index-generation)
- TEST 5A — Test the functioning of cron jobs for bitpreservation.
- TEST5B — Test normal functioning during addition of new bitarchive and broker restart.
- TEST6 Robustness test — Resubmit jobs after restart, restart of failed jobs, upload of old files at harvester restart, scheduler skips old jobs.
- TEST 7 — The performance test on PROD data. This test is now largely automated. The following steps should be taken to confirm that the automatic test has run as expected.
- TEST 9 — Check that the modularisation of the software allows for separate installation of the components.
- TEST11A — Test of upgrade, bitpreservation performance and security manager for batch jobs and allow third-party batch jobs to be submitted.
- TEST11B — Stress test and crashtests of batch jobs and third-party batch jobs on 22 TB.
- TEST12 — Test integration of NetarchiveSuite and Wayback
- BNF sanity test — Describes the minimal sanity test as performed at BNF verifying the integrity of the NAS codebase.
- ONB Sanity test
- Profiling
- HarvestJob
- Setup DK test environment — Describes how to configure a generic DK test environment.
- One-sided Test