Setup DK test environment

Setup DK test environment

Describes how to configure a generic DK test environment.


  1. ssh to the test system server:

    > ssh devel@kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk
  2. Set the global variables for your testcase:

    > export TESTX=TEST??; export PORT=807?; export MAILRECEIVERS=foo@bar.dk; export VERSION=5.1-RC1 ; export H3ZIP=/home/devel/nas_versions/bundler/NetarchiveSuite-heritrix3-bundler-5.1-RC1.zip
    (optional arguments):
    export SKIPCLEANUP=1 (Just stop the test, don't remove its data - useful for just upgrading your system with a build)
    export SKIPDBINIT=1 (Don't reset the database for your system; just use the existing database as-is)

    Note that the VERSION value indicates, that the NAS zip file to use is /home/devel/nas_versions/NetarchiveSuite-${VERSION}.zip

 Start the test (general test, see specific test case for actual startup command)

> all_test.sh

The NAS GUI can new be accessed at http://kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk:807?/.

Ensure the language is set to English before starting the test, so the string mentioned in the test specifications correspond to the text displayed in the deployed GUI.

Harvest DB

The harvest database for the standard release tests is based on a postgresql dump. This can be found in test@kb-prod-udv-001:bin/harvestdb.release_test.pgsql . This directory is a CVS working copy, so any alterations to the database can be committed directly from there. A new version of the database dump can be generated from any existing NAS instance using pg_dump: pg_dump -U test -d test<foobar>_harvestdb -f harvestdb.release_test.pgsql .

Test port allocation


Internal Port

Systemtest, functional


Reserved for PLIGT


Systemtest, performance


Reserved for PLIGTH3












Viewerproxy Setup

To use a viewerproxy in the test system

  1. Setup port forwarding from your user port on kb-prod-udv-001 to the same port on kb-test-acs-001 (the Viewerproxy application) as follows: 

    ssh -g -N -L${PORT}:kb-test-acs-001.kb.dk:${PORT} kb-test-acs-001.kb.dk
  2. Setup a browser to use this proxy. This is easiest in Firefox. For example, you can define a Firefox profile which always connects to your favoured proxy. Start firefox with 

    firefox --no-remote -P

    then create a new profile. In Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Settings choose "Manual proxy configuration". Set the proxy to kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk and the port to your usual port. Check "Use this proxy server for all protocols". Then add the following to "No Proxy for:" 


You can now use this Firefox profile both to browse the admin GUI for your NAS installation and for the viewerproxy.


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