Test normal functioning during addition of new bitarchive and broker restart.


  • Test dynamic addition of new bitarchive
  • Test JMS broker restart


None special.


Prepare Installation with One Bitapp Missing

On devel@kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk  (note: replace foo@bar.dk with your own mailaddress, and 2??? with correct version)

export PORT=807?
export MAILRECEIVERS=foo@bar.dk
export VERSION=2???

First cleanup and prepare test:


Now disable one bitapp:

cd /home/devel/prepared_software/$TESTX/kb-test-bar-016.bitarkiv.kb.dk

and prefix "echo" to the penultimate line of startall.bat. Finally


Check the Installation

Check the system state in the GUI. There should only be two bitapps running on kb-test-bar-014 and everything else should appear normal.

Start the Third Bitapp

From devel@kb-prod-udv-001:

ssh ba-devel@kb-test-bar-016.bitarkiv.kb.dk
cd ${TESTX}
cd conf
"C:\Program Files\Bitvise WinSSHD\bvRun" -brj -new -cmd="start_BitarchiveApplication_BitApp_3.bat"

Check the System State

In the System State GUI http://kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk:$PORT/Status/Monitor-JMXsummary.jsp

  • Check that the new BitApp is visible
  • Check that there are no errors or warnings visible on any app

Restart The Broker

Send an email to webarkivering-teknik@statsbiblioteket.dk to warn that you are restarting the broker.

From test@kb-prod-udv-001:

ssh test@kb-test-adm-001

bash /home/test/mq/stop.sh
sleep 60
bash /home/test/mq/noreset_start.sh &

Check the System State

In the System State GUI http://kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk:$PORT/Status/Monitor-JMXsummary.jsp :

  • Check that all applications are present
  • Check that the most recent status for every application is neither a warning, an error, nor empty
  • Check that the SB Bitapp on sb-test-bar-001 is present
  • Check that system is fully functional
    • Make a simple netarkivet.dk harvest
    • Waiting for the job to finish
    • make QA of the job through the viewerproxy

Close Down the Test
