2012-Workshop WARC migration Track

2012-Workshop WARC migration Track

Location: 01.93, basement

Participants: All

When do you intend to switch your production workflow?

  • is there a period when you will produce ARCs and WARCs?

    Netarkivet.dk; No.

  • Will you migrate your legacy ARCs in WARCs and when?

    Both Netarkivet.dk and BnF sees this as a longer term priority

  • If yes, what kind of tools will you use for the migration?

    This hasn't been decided. Both the JWAT and Hanzo's Warc tools should be considered. Neither are have production ready migration functionality yet.

  • During the period when the two formats will exist in parallel
    • what will be the estimated duration of this period.

      Depends on the when the full migration of the achieve will be done. Will properly be for a long period.

    • on what kind of files will you give access? Is the wayback machine and other tools able to manage in parallel ARCs and WARCs?

      The 4.0 release will include functionality for accessing WARC files through Wayback using the NAS archive. Wayback supports local WARC access out-of-the-box.

Specific question on harvesting

  • do you need to change the harvesting profiles?

Specific question on preservation

  • is the bit repository system able to manage WARCs?

    Yes, as of 4.0-

  • if you migrate your legacy ARCs in WARCs, will you keep the original ARCs?

    BnF will properly be keeping a tape copy. This is undecided for DK.

What kind of costs will you have for this transition?

  • software, machine, human costs

    This depends on the migration strategy

  • Do you have other web harvesting processes (which are not internal to NetarchiveSuite) writing WARC files ?

    KB is already using WARC for a number of archives based on WARC, including legacy content harvest through non-heritrix tools.

  • Will you use common tools for web archives and other digital resources in WARC?

    Yes, see above.