2012 Workshop Science Track
2012 Workshop Science Track
Location: 01.93 basement
Chair: Clement
Participants?: Ulrich Karstoft Have <ukh@statsbiblioteket.dk>, 'Brügger Niels' <nb@imv.au.dk>, 'Niels Ole Finnemann' <finneman@imv.au.dk>, Sabine, Michaela, Bert,
Discussion on how to analyze the contents of a NetarchiveSuite based webarchive.
Draft agenda
BnF, ONB and DigHumLab sumaries of the ongoing and planned efforts to extract additional information/models of the content found in a webarchive.
- General discussion of have to proceed with improving on the current very simple view into.
- Coupling job and harvest information to webpages in Wayback.
- Working with subarchives, extracted or filtered.
- Adding annotations to the archived data.
- Extracting statistics.
- Free text search.
, multiple selections available,