Installing DOMS
Getting the package
Download the newest DOMS from
There are two zip packages in the newer versions:
- testbed-<version>
- testbed-<version>
The second one contains everything the normal testbed does, plus an example content model, an example custom ingester and a few example files.
Installing the package
Unzip the downloaded package
Edit the file bin/ with relevant values for install
bin/ <installdir>
This will start the installation proces, which installs a tomcat with Fedora and the DOMS webservices, and ingests the base objects.
Testing DOMS
You can test the the install succeeded by checking the URL
(replace localhost:7880 with your configured values if necessary)
Using DOMS
The interface for interacting with DOMS is a SOAP webservice, where the WSDL can be found at
It is also possible to communicate directly with the underlying fedora webservice, e.g. with
DOMS installs by default with two users, with usernames and passwords as defined by the bin/ configuration on install. Further users can be defined in services/fedora/server/config/fedora-users.xml.
DOMS can be stopped or started using
Installing test objects (optional)
In the directory you installed to, run
cd ingester/radio-tv-0.0.6 bin/ -h files/preingestfiles/2007 bin/ -h files/preingestfiles/2008 bin/ -h files/preingestfiles/2009 bin/ -h files/preingestfiles/2010
Installing DOMS GUI (optional)
Download the newest version from
Unzip the downloaded package.
Edit the file bin/ with relevant values for install. Note: The DomsGUI must run in a different tomcat than DOMS itself. Currently, DOMS GUI requires a specially configured CAS server in order to function.
bin/ <installdir>
Note: The installdir should be a different directory to DOMS.
Testing and using DOMS GUI (optional)
Use the DomsGUI interface at