DOMS Vagrant test site
- VirtualBox - (We use 4.2)
- Vagrant -
In project doms-installer
Build the project:
mvn clean package
Start Vagrant virtual machine:
cd src/vagrant vagrant up
Enter the Vagrant virtual machine
vagrant ssh
Install DOMS
cd /vagrant ./
You now have a complete DOMS installed. It is accessible on
To start the DOMS with debugging enabled:
cd ~/7880-doms tomcat/bin/ tomcat/bin/ jpda start
You can now connect a debugger on port 8000
In project doms-gui-installer
Build the project:
mvn clean package
Start Vagrant virtual machine:
cd src/vagrant vagrant up
Enter the Vagrant virtual machine
vagrant ssh
Install DOMS GUI
cd /vagrant ./
You now have a complete DOMS GUI installed. It is accessible on
To start the DOMS GUI with debugging enabled:
cd ~/domsgui tomcat/bin/ tomcat/bin/ jpda start
You can now connect a debugger on port 9000
Attaching a debugger in IntelliJ Idea
Select "Run" -> "Edit Configurations..."
Press Green +-button
Select "Tomcat Server" -> "Remote"
As "Name" write "DOMS" or "DOMS GUI" (or another name of your choice)
Remove checkmark "After launch"
Edit "Port" to be 7880 for DOMS or 7801 for DOMS GUI
Select tab "Startup/Connection"
Select "Debug"
In "Port" write 8000 for DOMS or 9000 for DOMS GUI
Press OK
To attach to the debugger, Select "DOMS" or "DOMS GUI" in the dropdown, and press the button with a play logo and a little bug to the right of it.
Your debugger is now attached.