Radio/TV data migrations
Radio/TV data migrations
Migration tasks
New datastreams
- [OK - migrator1] PROGRAM_STRUCTURE (datastream migrated from shards (output of BES shard analysis))
- [OK - migrator1] PROGRAM_BROADCAST (datastream created from TV/Meter data)
Update relations
- [OK - migrator1] Add hasFile relation
- [OK - migrator3] Remove hasShard relation
Update datastreams
- [OK - migrator3] DC: Add shard identifier to dc:identifier
- [NOTOK - 2-3 days or task below] PBCORE: Remove empty fields etc.
- [NOTOK - metadatagroup + more work] PBCORE: Update to PBCore 2.0
- [OK - migrator1] TVMETER: Update to have parsed and unparsed form
New datastreams
- [OK - migrator3] FFPROBE: (Import from old data - not VMW-files)
- [OPTIONAL?] CROSSCHECK: (Import from old data)
- [NEEDS UPDATE - migrator3] BROADCAST_METADATA: (From filename, MD5-sums and FFProbe)
[OK - migrator2] Must be removed
Migrators 1-3 need further 2-3 days of testing/tweaking
Registrations of old previously unregistered data
Files with no programs
[NEEDS UPDATED LIST OF FILES (not VHS) - ½ day] To be registered as files
VHS Files
[GUI] To be registered as VHS Files
[GUI] Programs with no digitized files to be registered for VHS file workflow
Software that needs updates
DigiTV Preingester for Radio/TV
[NOTOK - 2-3 days] To be updated to reflect new datamodels for programs and files, and to remove shards
DOMS ingester for Radio/TV
[NOTOK - 2-3 days] To be updated to reflect new datamodels for programs and files, and to remove shards
DOMS ingester for YouSee
[NOTOK - 1 day] To be updated to reflect new datamodel for files
[NOTOK - 2-3 days] To be updated to work without shards
[NOTOK - ? Colin] To be updated to work without shards
Mediestream indexing
[NOTOK - ½ day] To be updated not to index programs with no files.
, multiple selections available,