Test run of vhs ingest workflow
The vhs ingest workflow is deployed and setup on "canopus" server under the "yousee" user.
The deployment consists of:
- Test mpeg files ( located in ~/scratch/vhstestfiles/)
- Workflow configuration (from sbproject git repository)
- Workflow scripts and binaries (deployed as integration tests)
- To redeploy, run "passwordlessKey=~/.ssh/<yourkey>_rsa mvn integration-test -P integrationtestProfile" (deploys and runs)
To run the workflow
cd vhs-ingest-workflow/services/workflow/
export VHSINGEST_HOME=~/vhs-ingest-workflow/services/workflow/
export VHSINGEST_WORKFLOW_CONFIG=~/vhs-ingest-config/youseeingestworkflow/
export VHSINGEST_CONFIG=~/vhs-ingest-config/
./bin/runWorkflow.sh "<pick a file from ~/scratch/vhstestfiles>" "<fill in the VHS casette label>" "<fill in start time>" "<fill in end time>"
./bin/runWorkflow.sh "/home/yousee/scratch/vhstestfiles/Deadline_18_2_2005_18_1.mpeg" "DR2 Deadline 2005-06-14" "2005-06-14T12:00:04" "2005-06-14T15:00:07"
While the workflow is running, you may follow progress in