- Stop NAS with the "stop_test.sh" command and restart it with the "start_test.sh" command. After some time, a job should appear in the state "Failed".
- Restart the job by clicking the "Restart?" button. A new job should be created and the old one should have the status "Resubmitted (Job X)".
- Wait for the job to finish.
- Meanwhile click on the JobID for the failed job, then click on "Browse reports for jobs".
- You should see a list of available reports including one called "scripting_events.log". This is the log of the deletions you made to the frontier in the H3 GUI. Click on it.
Assuming you have the correct viewerproxy setup (See Setup DK test environment) you should a log line describing your action. Something similar to
Code Block 2016-02-02T14:05:59.170Z Action from user CSR: Deleted 563 uris matching regex '.*kb.dk.*'
[ This section is commented out because none of the current NAS-H3 scripts override the crawler-bean settings.