Prepare Installation with One Bitapp Missing
On test@kbOn devel@kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk (note: replace foo@bar.dk with your own mailaddress, and 2??? with correct timestamp)
Start the Third Bitapp
From test@kbdevel@kb-prod-udv-001:
Code Block |
ssh ba-test@kbdevel@kb-test-bar-014.bitarkiv.kb.dk cd ${TESTX} cd conf "C:\Program Files\Bitvise WinSSHD\bvRun" -brj -new -cmd="start_BitarchiveApplication_BitApp_3.bat" exit |
Restart The Broker
Send an email to webarkivering-teknink@statsbiblioteketteknik@statsbiblioteket.dk to warn that you are restarting the broker.