Check the Overrides are Applied
For the failed job , check that the overrides are visible . This can be done by comparing the original setup/order files with the modified files. The setup/order files are part of the metadata warc files generated as part of the harvest.
The easiest way to do this is from test@kb-prod-udv-001: (replacing <jobno> with the number of the original job, here 7)
Code Block |
[test@kb-prod-udv-001 ~]$ ssh netarkiv@sb-test-bar-001.statsbiblioteket.dk grep max-hops /netarkiv/0001/TEST2/filedir/<jobno>-metadata-1.warc
[test@kb-prod-udv-001 ~]$ ssh netarkiv@sb-test-bar-001.statsbiblioteket.dk grep delay-factor /netarkiv/0001/TEST2/filedir/<jobno>-metadata-1.warc |
Note that there should be two setup/order reports. The one containing a timestamp in its name is the original order.xml, the one called simply
by looking at the order.xml in the metadata reports:
- Setup the viewerproxy as described in Setup DK test environment.
- Goto the Job details page for the newly finished job by clicking the link in the JobID column.
- Click the
Browse reports for jobs
link. - Goto the metadata://netarkivet.dk/crawl/setup/order.xml
- report and confirm the
- modified settings have been updated in the final version
- of the order.xml. Note.
Check that Alias Domains are not Harvested
Check that there was no Deduplication
Check the processors-report for one of the snapshot-harvest jobs:
- Goto the Job details page for the newly finished job by clicking the link in the JobID column.
- Click the
Browse reports for jobs
link. - Confirm that there was no DeDuplicator report
- , eg. verify the string duplicatereductionjob doesn't appear in the listed reports.
Stop the Test and Clean-Up