Newspaper MfPak Integration

Newspaper MfPak Integration

This is a webservice component which pulls data from the mfpak database and presents it via a REST API to the UI System.


Code base: https://github.com/statsbiblioteket/newspaper-mfpak-integration

Integration test

For the integration tests to pass the test needs access to the test environment by:

  • Clone the test config git repo:

    git clode ssh://git@sbprojects.statsbiblioteket.dk:7999/avis/devel-config.git newspaper-devel-config
  • Run maven with the -Dintegration.test.newspaper.properties property set to the path to the newly clones property file.

    mvn install -Dintegration.test.newspaper.properties=${PATH_TO_LOCAL_REPO}/newspaper-devel-config/integration.test.newspaper.properties