Note that this documentation is for the old 5.55 release.
For the newest documentation, please see the current release documentation.

Tools in the Common Module


logback.xml disabling logs to stdout:

Currently our tools have by-default log entries written to stdout. To disable this create a logback.xml with the following content

<statusListener class="ch.qos.logback.core.status.NopStatusListener" />
<root level="OFF"/> 

and refer to this file with

-Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/logback.xml (deprecated)

This tool takes as input several arcfiles, and inserts all the records of the input arcfiles into a single arcfile. This arcfile is currently dumped to stdout, but can of course be redirected to a file.  Deprecated  because it only handles ARCfiles. use JWAT-tools instead.


export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
export LOG=-Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/logback.xml
java $LOG arcfile1.arc arcfile2.arc > resulting.arc (deprecated)

This tool takes an input file, an URI for this file, and a mime-type for this file, and creates an ARC-file with only one ARCRecord, which has the input file as contents, and with the given mimetype and URI. The ARCfile is written to stdout, but can of course be redirected to a file. Deprecated  because it only generates ARC-files


export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
export LOG=-Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/logback.xml
java $LOG input_file uri mime-type > myarchive.arc

This tool generates CDX-entries for all records in the given  (W)ARC-files, and prints the CDX'es to stdout, but can of course be redirected to a file like we show below.


export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
export LOG=-Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/logback.xml
java $LOG [arcfile]+ > output.cdx

This tool makes large files primarily for testing purposes. The tool needs two arguments, the number of bytes that must be written (nbytes), and the name of the file to write to. The number of bytes must be > chunksize (currently 10000000), otherwise 0 bytes will be written to the file.


export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
export LOG=-Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/logback.xml
java $LOG nbytes filename

This tests, if it is possible to communicate with the FTP server mentioned in the settings from the given server.

The following settings are tested by this validator:



export INSTALLDIR=/fullpath/to/installdir
export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
export OPTs=-Ddk.netarkivet.settings.file=$INSTALLDIR/conf/settings_GUIApplication.xml

## Either of the following possibilities may be chosen
## ---------------------------------------------------

## Test FTP-server configuration in the settingsfile pointed to by the OPTS line
java $OPTS

## Test FTP-server configuration in the settingsfile given as an argument
java /full/path/to/settingsfile

## Test FTP-server without using a settings file 
## e.g FTPValidator localhost 22 test test123
java ftpHost ftpPort ftpUser ftpPasswd

After running the FTPValidator, it will either write test fail or test succeeded.

This program tests if Netarchivesuite is able to send notification mails from the server.

The following settings are tested by this validator:



export INSTALLDIR=/fullpath/to/installdir
export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
export OPTs=-Ddk.netarkivet.settings.file=$INSTALLDIR/conf/settings_GUIApplication.xml

## Either of the following possibilities may be chosen
## ---------------------------------------------------
## Test Mail configuration in the settingsfile pointed to by the OPTS line
java $OPTS

## Test Mail configuration in the settingsfile given as argument
java /full/path/to/settingsfile

This program will try to send a notification to the mail-address given in the settings.

If successful it will write Test-Mail now sent successfully to address 'X'  using 'Y' as mailserver, and 'Z' as sender