Note that this documentation is for the old 5.3 release.
For the newest documentation, please see the current release documentation.

Appendix A - Plug-ins in NetarchiveSuite


All NetarchiveSuite settings ending in ".class" indicate that the implementation of a certain feature can be replaced by alternative implementations. There is usually a choice of several classes to choose from. Our framework enables the installer to replace the default class with a class of his own, if no existing alternatives are suitable.

We now describe the available plugs, and existing plugins for these plugs.

settings.common.remoteFile.class: This setting allows you to select your chosen protocol for file-transfer in NetarchiveSuite. You can here choose between

  • dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.FTPRemoteFile: (where the data is transferred using a FTP-server),
  • dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile: (where the data is transferred using two embedded webservers (one at each end)), and
  • dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPSRemoteFile: which works just like HTTPRemoteFile except it uses a shared certificate file for secure communication. Note that the HTTPRemoteFile and HTTPSRemoteFile require dedicated ports in the firewall to be open between all possible senders and recipients of data. For implementers of new file-transfer methods, this class must implement the interface dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.RemoteFile.

The default value is FTPRemoteFile.

settings.harvester.datamodel.database.specifics.class: This setting allows you select which type of database you want to use. The supported values are:

  • dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.DerbyEmbeddedSpecifics: an embedded derby database
  • dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.DerbyClientSpecifics: an external derby database server
  • dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.MySQLSpecifics: mySql
  • dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.PostgreSQLSpecifics: postgresql

The default is DerbyEmbeddedSpecifics. If you choose not to use the default, you need to replace the default database URL (setting settings.harvester.datamodel.database.url), and maybe the time for the daily backup to start (setting settings.harvester.datamodel.database.backupInitHour)). The Netarkivet production system uses Postgresql.

settings.common.jms.class This class designates what kind of JMS broker the NetarchiveSuite uses to send messages between applications. Presently only the Sun JMS brokers is supported (dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.JMSConnectionSunMQ). This class must implement dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.JMSConnection.

settings.common.arcrepositoryClient.class. Must implement dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.ArcRepositoryClient The available choices are the default

  • dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.distribute.JMSArcRepositoryClient (that is required, if you want to access the distributed type of archive that is included in the NetarchiveSuite). and the
  • dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.LocalArcRepositoryClient (allows for access to a local archive, ie a collection of files on locally-mounted filesystems.)

settings.common.notifications.class: Allows for different ways of making notifications. The default choice is the class

  • dk.netarkivet.common.utils.EMailNotifications (which allows you to receive notifications by email). The use of this plugin requires setting the mail-server, the recipient- and sending email-address. Alternatively, you can use

  • dk.netarkivet.common.utils.PrintNotifications which simply prints the notifications to stderr on the terminal.

settings.common.webinterface.sitesection.class This setting allows you to add webmodules to the NetarchiveSuite GUI. Several SiteSection classes can be active in the same GUI. The default (standard) configuration contains all 6 existing webmodules:

  1. HarvestDefinition: Allows you to define and schedule harvests ,
  2. HarvestHistory: See the status of running and finished harvestjobs
  3. HarvestChannel: Allows one to define different channels for different classes of so that, for example, specific harvest jobs can be run on specific machines.
  4. BitPreservation: This module has tools for sanity testing data in the bitarchives
  5. QA: Module for doing Quality Assurance
  6. Status: Module for monitoring the health of all machines and applications

settings.common.webinterface.language: The languages supported by the webinterface. Danish (locale=da), English (locale=en), French (locale=fr), German (locale=de), and Italian (locale=it) are supported currently. The Coding Guidelines will tell you how to add support for more languages to the NetarchiveSuite.

settings.common.indexClient: The client selected for access to indices. Indices are requested by the HarversterControllerApplication instances.

        <!-- The class instantiated to give access to indices. Will be created by IndexClientFactory -->
        <!-- The amount of time, in milliseconds, we should wait for replies
             when issuing a call to generate an index over som jobs.

settings.common.monitorregistryClient.class. This defines which class to use for the monitor registry, which implement the interface dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.monitorregistry.MonitorRegistryClient. There are two available implementations:

  • dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.monitorregistry.PrintMonitorRegistryClient (just prints out how to stdout the JMXport and RMIport to use for connecting to its JVM).
  • dk.netarkivet.monitor.distribute.JMSMonitorRegistryClient: registers itself centrally with a registry by sending JMS messages every minute. This delay can be configured with the setting settings.common.monitorregistryClient.reregisterdelay.

The default class is dk.netarkivet.monitor.distribute.JMSMonitorRegistryClient

settings.common.freespaceprovider.class: This setting defines which plugin to use for reporting how much free space is available. Must implement the dk.netarkivet.common.utils.FreeSpaceProvider interface. Available implementations are:

  • dk.netarkivet.common.utils.DefaultFreeSpaceProvider (uses File.getUsableSpace() to compute the free space available)
  • dk.netarkivet.common.utils.FilebasedFreeSpaceProvider (Reads the free space available out of a file)

The default class is dk.netarkivet.common.utils.DefaultFreeSpaceProvider.

settings.archive.admin.class: Class for accessing and manipulating the administrative data for the ArcRepository. All classes must implement the dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin.AdminData interface. The available implementations are:

  • dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin.UpdateableAdminData (filebased implementation that uses an file containing the ingested files and their checksums).
  • dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin.DatabaseAdmin (database implementation that uses a database defined by the following settings: settings.archive.admin.database.[class|machine|port|dir].
    The default class is dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin.UpdateableAdminData

settings.archive.admin.database.class: Which class to use for your adminDB database. This plugin is used, if the setting settings.archive.admin.class is set to the class dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin.DatabaseAdmin and the setting settings.archive.bitpreservation.class is set to the class dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation.DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation.

settings.archive.bitpreservation.class: Setting for which class should handle ActiveBitPreservation. All implementations must implement dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation.ActiveBitPreservation. The following implementations are available:

  • dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation.DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation (uses a database to store the results of the bitpreservation actions).
  • dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation.FileBasedActiveBitPreservation (stores the results of bitpreservation actions to a set of files on disk.)

settings.harvester.harvesting.heritrixController.class: This class handles the communication to a running Heritrix instance. All implementations must implement the dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.HeritrixController interface. In NAS 5.2+, the only supported heritrix controller is dk.netarkivet.harvester.heritrix3.controller.HeritrixController.

settings.wayback.urlcanonicalizer.classname: The class used to canonicalize urls. This class must implement the interface org.archive.wayback.UrlCanonicalizer. The only acceptable implementation is dk.netarkivet.wayback.batch.copycode.NetarchiveSuiteAggressiveUrlCanonicalizer which is luckily the default class.