2024-11-05 Statusmeeting

2024-11-05 Statusmeeting

Agenda for the joint NetarchiveSuite teleconference 2024-11-05, 13:00-14:00.


  • BNF:  Auriane, Sara
  • ONB: Andreas, Antares
  • KB/DK - Copenhagen: Anders, Thomas, Stephen, Tue
  • KB/DK - Aarhus: Colin
  • BNE: Miguel, Alberto
  • KB/Sweden: Peter, Pär

Update on NAS latest tests and developments

  • NAS New release version 7.6 based on 2024-09-09 interim release of heritrix - see NetarchiveSuite 7.x Release Notes
  • It is possible that there will be a new snapshot release incorporating the latest heritrix sometime soon.

Status of the production sites



The digital legal deposit service welcomed in October and for one year, a new colleague, Marina Hervieux, as a Skybox research project manager that aims to enhance the Skyblogs collection, archived in 2023.

Our 2024 broad crawl is just going to be launched. Initially the launch planned for mid-October has been postponed in order to make corrections concerning the work on the 404 errors problem. Following the test broad crawl, we had to readjust our filters which blocked too much valid contents. The broad crawl will be launched with a budget of 2200 URLs per domain (à confirmer lundi).

Then, we are encountering difficulties with our Videos harvest. We were forced to stop the last harvest before the end because on the one hand the number of videos crawled per day had decreased significantly and on the other hand we also noticed a separation of audio and video formats. This will therefore oblige us to study a new solution for this harvest.

Finally, we will start a new internal harvesting workshop concerning the podcasts in mid-November in order to improve the existing process and to study the addition of a new podcasts platform to crawl.



Broad crawl of .es domain finished. 2.102.478 domains (5% more than last year). No limit per domain. 36 hours, path 10 hops. Duration: 2 month, 1 week, 2 days. 126.953 GB archived.

The BNE organised a working day focused on electronic legal deposit and collaboration with the regions. This day focused on the advances in collaboration between the BNE and the regions; access to archived content; the impact of the modification of the law on legal deposit; and the possibilities of working with data.

The Mediterranean coast (mainly in Valencia) has suffered a natural disaster due to devastating floods with hundreds of deaths. We are working with the web curators of Castilla-La Mancha and Valencia to store information about the floods.


Next meetings

  • December 3rd
  • January 7th 2025

Any other business?

  • Merging WAC 2025 proposals: Past, Present and Future of KB + NBand 18 years with NetArchiveSuite

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