Status for 2011-11-24 workshop
Status for 2011-11-24 workshop
Day 1
- Thomas described some of the circumstances and decision behind the GZip and Arc modules. (Multithreading, Inter-Woven, JHove2)
- Sébastien described how the GZip/Arc/Warc modules should work with their framework specifically Mets/ContainerMD. (Including a JHove2 display module by BnF)
- Discussions about difficulties contributing to the JHove2 main code base.
- Nicholas asked Clément about some things in the WARC specification.
- In was decided to look a bit on the JHove2 WARC specification and leave the rest for Day 2.
Day 2
- Most of the time was used with the JHove2 WARC specification. (Clément, Sébastien, Sophie, Nicholas)
- Some test data transferred onto USB drive.
- Some discussion on how to report progress to the IIPC economical officer.
- Brief discussion before the end of the workshop on opening up for bug reporting and access to test current code.
- Clément will try to find some way to get the JHove2 maintainers to play ball.
- The JHove2 WARC specification is in Draft and needs review by Thomas on some questions and general review by all interested parties to check for omissions.
- Nicholas et al. will provide access to the code, JIRA and current documentation.
- Initial milestone(s) and funding to be approved by IIPC economical officer by proof in the form of code and/or documentation.
, multiple selections available,