2023-11-07 Statusmeeting

Agenda for the joint NetarchiveSuite tele-conference 2023-11-07, 13:00-14:00.


  • BNF: Sara, Clara, Auriane, Nola
  • ONB: Antares, Andreas
  • KB/DK - Copenhagen: Anders, Thomas, Stephen, Tue
  • KB/DK - Aarhus: Colin
  • BNE: Miguel, Eva, José
  • KB/Sweden: Par, Peter

Lastest NAS evolutions

Lastest release NetarchiveSuite 7.5: https://kb-dk.atlassian.net/wiki/display/NAS/NetarchiveSuite+7.x+Release+Notes

Status of the production sites


  • 4th Broadcrawl 2023- step 2 running
  • Testing on site installation of Browsertrix Cloud - will intensify the coming month - possibility of customnaming of WARC-files is a must
  • Focus on data delivery for researchers
  • PyWb and CDX-indexing is going forward


The 2023 broad crawl was launched on October 17th. It should last about 6 weeks and the projected budget is 140 TB.

The Skyblogs harvest is almost over and we are about to launch our second harvest backup project concerning the Orange personal pages.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of electoral web archive harvests, a seminar will be held on November 9th and 10th at the National Library of France (BnF). This seminar is co-organized by the BnF, the Digital Political Science group of the French Association of Political Science, the CEVIPOF (Political Research Center of Sciences Po) and the Sciences Po Medialab.
On November 9th, there will be workshops that will offer the possibility to discover and explore the web archives. The day after will be devoted to the developments that have marked the electoral web since 2002, the data and the methods for studying it.



Special coverage of Princess Leonor's oath to the Spanish Constitution on her coming of age, future Queen of Spain.

We have finished a new collection development policy that we want to publish this month, until now, we only had an internal collection development policy we only shared with our collaborator.

Last month, we had a very interesting meeting with Sara and her colleagues from BNF to study the infrastructure and setting of NAS and we have found different conclusions, it is possible to improve and optimize our infrastructure and processes, but it will be a long process we have to study carefully.

We keep working on the NAS update and we have started the BCWeb update. Our IT team has detected different improvements and and they are analyzing to carry them out.


Next meetings

  • December 5th
  • January 9th 2024

Any other business?