Listing of Curators in the NetarchiveSuite project.
Royal Danish Library (KB), Copenhagen
- Jon Eiriksson jei@kb.dk.
- Jakob Moesgård jamo@kb.dk.
- Tue Hejlskov Larsen (tlr@kb.dk).
- Stephen Hunt sthu@kb.dk
Royal Danish Library (SB), Århus
- Sabine Schostag sas@kb.dk.
- Jens Møller jm@kb.dk
National Library of France (BnF):
Peter Stirling peter.stirling@bnf.fr
Sophie Derrot sophie.derrot@bnf.fr
Ange Aniesa ange.aniesa@bnf.fr
Géraldine Camile geraldine.camile@bnf.fr
National Library of Austria (ONB)
National Library of Spain (BNE)
- Mar Pérez Morillo mar.perez@bne.es
- Alicia Pastrana García alicia.pastrana@bne.es