Increase max linelength
I've started a crusade for less wrapping of code lines here: /wiki/spaces/APP/pages/11541784.
The readability of the code in my IDE would be greatly increased, eg.
Line length = 80 |
Line length = 120 |
assertEquals( "Should have created one job after starting job dispatching", 1, dao.getCountJobs()); ((JMSConnectionMockupMQ) JMSConnectionFactory.getInstance()) .waitForConcurrentTasksToFinish(); assertEquals("The job should still be marked as new", 1, IteratorUtils.toList(dao.getAll(JobStatus.NEW)).size()); assertEquals("The job should not have been marked as submitted", 0, IteratorUtils.toList(dao.getAll(JobStatus.SUBMITTED)).size()); TestMessageListener normalMessageListener = new TestMessageListener(); JMSConnectionMockupMQ.getInstance().setListener( JobChannelUtil.getChannel(JobPriority.HIGHPRIORITY), normalMessageListener); |
assertEquals("Should have created one job after starting job dispatching", 1, dao.getCountJobs()); ((JMSConnectionMockupMQ) JMSConnectionFactory.getInstance()).waitForConcurrentTasksToFinish(); assertEquals("The job should still be marked as new", 1, IteratorUtils.toList(dao.getAll(JobStatus.NEW)).size()); assertEquals("The job should not have been marked as submitted", 0, IteratorUtils.toList(dao.getAll(JobStatus.SUBMITTED)).size()); TestMessageListener normalMessageListener = new TestMessageListener(); JMSConnectionMockupMQ.getInstance().setListener(JobChannelUtil.getChannel(JobPriority.HIGHPRIORITY), normalMessageListener); |
Note the indention cause by class + method blocks. Additional try/if/for/while block will eat further into the available line.
What looks pretty is of course a very individual thing, and will also vary by which interface is used, eg. do you view the code on paper, side-by-side in your editor, many windows, etc.