Deploy to test system

Information on how to install and start a NAS system for test.

Test server (/wiki/spaces/NAS/pages/21672908)

System tests which should be run on /wiki/spaces/NAS/pages/21672908 are started by:

  1. Upload the relevant zip file to the test server, eg:


    Remember to give the zip file a identifiable name.

  2. Ssh to the server with user /wiki/spaces/NAS/pages/21672908.

  3. Set the follow environment varables:
    1. TESTX: Defines the test being run
    2. PORT: The dedicated port to run the test under.
    3. MAILRECEIVERS: The receiver of all the mail messages generated by the test.
    4. TIMESTAMP: Set to the postfix of the zip file to use, eg. my file in the example above. If undefined the latest file will be used.

    5. DEPLOYCONF: The deployment file to use. If undefined the default deploy will be used.

      export TESTX=TESTXX; export PORT=807?; export; export TIMESTAMP=5.0-SNAPSHOT; export DEPLOYCONF=5.0-SNAPSHOT
  4. Start the NetarchiveSuite test system

Deployment configurations

The deployment configurations are located in the devel-config/deployment_configs folder under the home folder for the devel user on Only the default_deploy_config.xml is fully specified. All other deploy configs should be generated based on the default config, via a xslt file. The functionality for generation deploy configs are located in the generator subdir and can be executed with the devel-config/deployment_configs/generator/ Note that the script is called as part of the script.

The devel-config dir is a git repo found at