Agenda for the joint NetarchiveSuite teleconference 2024-04-02, 13:00-14:00.
- BNF: Auriane, Nola, Sara, Clara
- ONB: Andreas, Antares
- KB/DK - Copenhagen: Anders, Thomas, Stephen, Tue
- KB/DK - Aarhus: Colin
- BNE: José, Miguel, Eva
- KB/Sweden: Peter, Pär
Update on NAS latest tests and developments
Everybody should check that they have access to the new wiki here and that their login is functioning.
Status of the production sites
- 2nd Broadcrawl 2024- step 1 will start tomorrow
- Still testing on-site installation of Browsertrix Cloud including commercials
- Social Media - focus on technology, defining representativeness etc.
- Meeting with external companys
- Job shadowing (Erasmus visit from Prag)
- Preparing for IIPC WAC 2024 in Paris
- SolrWayback Workshop at DHNB 2024 with Jon from Nettarkivet, Norway
- Substatial speed up when exporting (csv,warc etc.) from large multi sharded collections. See #329. This feature still needs a little more testing. Feedback will be welcome.
This month, we start with two new elections. The Catalan elections and the elections for the European Parliament, which join the two elections we have already been developed, the Galician elections, which are already ending, and the Basque elections. All of them in coordination with the different Spanish regions.
We have been some problems saving videos from Youtube. It is no longer possible to extract the URL of the videos with the tools we were using, is anyone else having problems saving them?
Next meetings
- May 7th
- June 4th
- July 2th
- September 3rd
- October 1st
- November 5th
- December 3rd
- January 7th 2025