Levels of test
Unit tests
A unit test is an automatically run test of a single class with a number of test methods. Unit tests should be small, run quickly and automatically, not depend on external resources, and not prevent other unit tests from running.
For further information on writing unit test in general, see:
- http://howtodoinjava.com/2012/11/05/unit-testing-best-practices-junit-reference-guide/
- http://javarevisited.blogspot.gr/2012/06/junit4-annotations-test-examples-and.html
- http://www.kyleblaney.com/junit-best-practices/
NetarchiveSuite specific unit testing guidelines (Note, legacy code might deviate from these guidelines):
- We used JUnit4 https://github.com/junit-team/junit/wiki.
- We used Mockito to mock external dependencies.