The command line interface is work in progress. So at some point the arguments/options will be refactored.
Unfortunately I have a small command line package which also requires refactoring.
The following options are currently available in JWAT-Tools.
C:\Java\workspace\jwat-tools>target\jwat-tools-0.5.4-SNAPSHOT\jwattools.cmd JWATTools v0.5.4 usage: JWATTools [-dte19] [file ...] -t test validity of ARC, WARC and/or GZip file(s) -r recursive -e show errors -l relaxed URL URI validation -x to validate text/xml payload (eg. mets) -d decompress -1 compress faster -9 compress better -i interval extract -u unpack multifile gzip -c convert arc to warc -C output CDX
You can supply one or more files. Each file can contain * and/or ? wildcards, but only in the filename part of the path. You can use more wildcards at the same time if you want.
-t (test)
Reads and validates all the files supplied. Files which are not recognized as either GZip, ARC or WARC are skipped. If wildcards are used, files that do not match are also skipped.
Use -e for more than a summary of errors.
-d (decompress)
Decompress one or more (multi-part) GZip files and write the decompressed data to a new file, one for each input file.
Useful for decompressing ARC and/or WARC files.
-r (recursive)
Is currently ignored. All operations are currently recursive.
-1..-9 (compress)
Compress normal and/or WARC files.
-i (interval extract)
Extract an interval from a given file. Interval can be expressed as offset, offset2 or offset,+length. Offset and length can be expressed in hex by pre-pending "$" or "0x".
-u (unpack)
Unpack a (multi-file)GZip and save each entry as individual files.
-c (convert)
Convert ARC files to WARC.
-C (output CDX)
Index one or more ARC/WARC files and output the result in CDX format.