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Fedora Repository Views

DOMS employs an overall atomistic data model. Atomistic data models are much more flexible than traditional compound data models, but they have one big (and largely unmet) challenge. When working with data objects you will frequently need to operate on a number of objects as if they were a common whole. The easiest usecase for this is the public dissemination of data. If the data that should go into one Dissemination Information Package is distributed over several objects, the system needs to understand this. Search indexing is another usecase. Search services tend to use a flat index, each record contain all it's metadata.

The solution to this is the concept of repository views.

Theoretical basis

A repository contain data. This data can be separated into a number of records. A record does not nessesarily correspond to a data object, but is some atomic, selfcontained entry. As they are atomic, they cannot reasonably be further broken down. As they are selfcontained, they are only weakly linked to other entries. A repository view is the mapping from the repository data into these records.

What constitues atomic selfcontained entries are dependent on the reason for accessing the repository. A search engine harvester might want to see one kind of records, while an export function might want another. We call such reasons "view angles". The mapping of data into records is dependent on the view angle.

Fedora Views

Fedora is a repository not just of data, but of digital objects. So, the view mapping should be from a number of objects into a record of some format.

I assume A to be a data object. A reasonable requirement is that for an object to be in the view of A, it must be related somehow to A. Thus, A is connected through some chain of relations, to every other object in it's view.

The second requirement, and this is very fundamental, is that A does not know it is being viewed. A is just a data object. It cannot be expected to keep up with new ways of accessing the repository, and new ways to view the data. So, A must not store any information that pertain solely to this or any other view angle. The relations of A should only be structural, in regards to the data it contains.

So, finding the view of A seems an impossible task, but it is not. For while the second requirement forbids A from knowing about the view angle, the class of A could. In Fedora, the classes of data objects are represented by content models. So, the content model(s) of A could know about this and other view angles of A. But a content model cannot say anything about A specifically, it can only describe the entire class of objects like A. So what it can do it annotate the relations of A. It could say "For this class of objects and this view angle, these structural relations denote references to other objects that are in the view."

This naturally lends itself to a recursive approach. The view of A is A plus the view of any object related to A through such an annotated relation.

But the angle one views the repository might also affect the number of entries seen. The above, recursive approach will always lead to one entry per data object. The remedy for this is to mark some classes as Entries for a certain view angle. This means that to compute the records for a given view angle, the view of all objects of a class that is an Entry should be computed. This is the view of the repository.

Fedora Implementation 

This section describes how the above could be implemented in Fedora. 

Entry Declaration

It is very simple for a content model to declare itself to be an Entry for a view angle. All it has to do is have a literal relation in the RELS-EXT datastream, by the name "isEntryForViewAngle", in the view namespace, to the literal name of the view angle.

Add this relation to any content models that should describe entries for the view angle named GUI.

<view:isEntryForViewAngle xmlns:view="">GUI</view:isEntryForViewAngle>

Annotated Relations

To annotate relations, a special datastream have been introduced, called "VIEW". This datastream should exist in the content models, and the name have been made Reserved.

It is basically a list of view angles, and the relations that should be view relations for each. There is a little twist, though. Above, we only defined that an object should be related through some chain of relations to every object in it's view. We did not specify that the direction of these relations. So, if we have the objects A and B, and B have a relations #relatesTo to A, B could still be in the view of A. And indeed, A does not have to be in the view of B, even if B is in the view of A.

To achieve this, the view datastream allows you to annotate incoming relations, as well as outgoing.

The schema for the VIEW datastream is as follows:

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
	<xsd:element name="views" type="viewsType"/>
	<xsd:complexType name="viewsType">
			<xsd:element name="viewangle" type="viewType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<xsd:complexType name="viewType">
			<xsd:element name="relations" type="relationsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
			<xsd:element name="inverse-relations" type="inverse-relationsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
		<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
	<xsd:complexType name="relationsType">
			<xsd:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<xsd:complexType name="inverse-relationsType">
			<xsd:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Example of a VIEW datastream

This is an example of how the VIEW datastream could look for the view angle GUI.

<view:views xmlns:view="">
	<view:viewangle name="GUI">
			<doms:hasFile xmlns:doms=""/>
			<doms:isPartOfCollection xmlns:doms=""/>

The GUI view angle of this object encompass the object itself, and the GUI viewangle of any objects that the object has a "doms:hasFile" relation to and any object that has a "doms:isPartOfCollection" relation to this object. 

Calculating the view

The procedure to calculate the total view of a object is detailed in this bit of pseudo code. It basicly performs a depthfirst search of the objects. The order of the objects in the View does not carry any sort of meaning, and will be random.

Set<Object> visitedObjects;
List<Object> CalculateView(Object o) {
	List<Objects> view = new List<Objects>();
	if (visitedObjects.contain(o){
		return view;
	ContentModel c = o.getContentModel();
	List<Relation> view-rels = c.getViewRelations();
	List<Relation> object-rels = o.getRelations();
	for (Relation r : object-rels){
		if (view-rels.contain(r)){
	List<Relation> view-invrels = c.getInverseViewRelations();
	List<Relation> object-invrels = o.getInverseRelations();
	for (Relation r : object-invrels){
		if (view-invrels.contain(r)){
	return view;

Content Model Inheritance/Multiple Content Models and Views

DOMS employ inheritance for content models, as detailed in Doms ECM Ontology This interferes with the View system. Even without inheritance, Fedora 3 allows an object to have multiple content models. Each of these could specify the view of the object.

If a data object have multiple content models, through inheritance or any other way, the following rules should be followed to resolve ambiguity.

  • When finding the annotated relations for a given view angle for a data object, get the list from each of the content models, merge it to one list and remove the duplicates. These are the view relations of this object. Do the same with the inverse relations.
  • If a content model marks an object as an Entry for a given view angle, the object is an entry. It does not matter if it has other content models that does not mark it as an entry. An object can of course be an entry for several view angles.   

Update Tracking

This document describes how the backend services should use to view to detect changes in records.


Given that we want to work on Views of data, we want to be able to monitor when an object View has changed. We say that an object View has changed if any of the objects in the View have changed.

States in Fedora get special treatment for a view. A View is considered Active if all objects are Active. A View is considered Deleted if the entry object is Deleted. In all other combinations the View is considered Inactive.

We want to be able to return all Views in a given Collection for a given State that have been modified after a given Time. To do this, we maintain a database of Views that is updated on all changes of an object.

Maintaining state

Whenever one of the components of a View is changed, the whole View counts as updated. As such, any services that subscribe to the View in any way need to be notified. If there is a search index for the Views, and one is updated, its state in the index must be recomputed.

The problem arrives when trying to do this. The View system is designed to ease the computing of a View when knowing the Entry object. The reverse is finding the Views, ie. the Entry objects, that have this data object in their View. Rather than encoding this information in the model, we chose to keep an external record of all the views.

The external record will be SQL based, or something similar. It will have two tables.

The first table, ENTRIES, will have these columns

  • entryPid: This is the pid of the entry object
  • viewAngle: This is the viewangle
  • state: This is the fedora object state
  • dateForChange: This is the timestamp when this row was created
  • collectionPid: This is the collection this entry object is part of
  • contentModelPid: This is the content model that marked this object as an entry object in this view angle

EntryPid, viewAngle and State will form an unique key.

To explain the reasoning: Each Entry Object can be an entry object for multiple viewAngles. If the object state is changed, the old entry should remain. As such, each entry object can result in many rows.

The second table, OBJECTS, will have these columns

  • objectPid: The pid of this object
  • entryPid: The pid of the entry object that includes this object
  • viewAngle: The name of the view angle by which the entry object includes this object

Finding Changed objects

To find changed objects we will ask for a set of objects with the following criteria

  • collectionPid
  • state
  • viewAngle
  • offset
  • limit

This can easily be found by a simple query in the ENTRIES table.


Changing an object and marking the view as updated

Basically, we need three kinds of operations to handle updates:

  • We need to update the time for when a bundle was last updated. We'll call this "updateTimestamps"
  • We need to update which bundles in which states exist. We'll call this "modifyState"
  • We need to update which objects are part of the view. We'll call this "recalculateView"

There are a fixed number of operations that can be done on objects in doms. 

For each of these, this is what should be done on the index as a result

  1. Object Created: The Object was created in DOMS
    Fedora operations:
    - ingest



  2. Object Deleted: The Object was purged from DOMS
    Fedora operations:
    - purgeObject



  3. Object State Changed: The Object changed state in DOMS
    Fedora operations:
    - modifyObject



  4. Datastream Changed: The Object datastreams changed. Handled differently depending on whether this is the relations datastream
    Fedora operations:
    - modifyDatastreamByReference
    - modifyDatastreamByValue
    - setDatastreamState
    - setDatastreamVersionable

      if RELS-EXT


  5. Object Relations Changed: The Object changed in a fashion that DOES require the view to be recomputed.
    Fedora operations:
    - addRelationship
    - purgeRelationship


Each of these operations will be elaborated below


When the object state changes, we will have to update the state in the object, and possibly in any view containing the state.

So for each ENTRIES object containing this object, we update it with a new timestamp and state

  • Active, if the new state is Active and all other objects in the view are current Active
  • Deleted, if this is the entry object, and
  • Inactive, otherwise
modifystate(pid, date, state) {
    //If this object was previously unknown and is an entry object, add it as a new entry object
    if (!OBJECTS.contains(pid)) {
        List<viewangle,cmpid,collection> viewEntries = doms.getViewEntries();
        foreach (viewEntry : viewEntries) {
	//Find the DomsObject rows that regard this object.
	//There will be one per entry/viewAngle combination
	results = OBJECTS.list(objectPid=pid);

	//Find all Entries that include this object
	foreach (result : results) {
        oldstate = result.entryPid.state;
        newstate = calculatestate(result.entryPid, pid, timestamp, state) //TODO! Missing        
        // If this deletes the entry, handle that
        if (newstate = 'D') {
            if (oldstate != 'D') {
        // If it is set active, remove any deleted entries
        if (newstate = 'A') {
            ENTRIES.remove(result.entryPid, 'D');


// Update the Entries table regarding a change
void updatetimestamps(String pid, Date date) {
	objects = OBJECTS.list(objectPid=pid);

	//Find all Entries that include this object
	foreach (object : objects) {

        state = calculatestate(object.entryPid) //TODO! Missing
        //If entry is currently deleted, skip
        if (state = 'D') {
        //Find the Entry objects that fulfill these restrictions
        List<Entry> results = ENTRIES.list(entrypid = object.entrypid)

        for (Entry result : results) {
            //Only update active entry if bundle is active
            if (result.state = 'A' and state != 'A') {
	        //Is this entry older than the current change?
            if (result.getDateForChange < date) {
                ENTRIES.update(result, date);


An object's relations changed. This could change which objects are in which entry's views. 

We find all the Entries that contain this object by listing OBJECTS.

For each of these, we recalculate the view bundle and update the relevant rows in OBJECTS and ENTRIES.

Each row in OBJECTS specify that an object is contained in a named view for a specific entry object.

Then we update the ENTRIES table to mark that the view is changed. 

This may also update content model or collection relations, which is handled separately

objectRelationsChanged(pid, date) {
  //This code is pseudo'er than the rest
  if relation changes collection
    if it is an entry object
      update collection field for inactive
      if entry object is active
        update collection field for active

  //This code is pseudo'er than the rest
  if relation changes content model
    if it is previously an entry object
    if it is now an entry object

    //This can change the structure of the views and we must therefore recaculate the views

    //if a current entry object use this object, we will need to recalculate the view of that object

    //This method will only be called on objects that already exist.
    //ObjectModified() creates an Entry row, if the object is an entry object. As such, there will always be
    // the correct Entry entries when this method is called, and these should just be recalculated

    List<DomsObject> results = OBJECTS.list(objectPid=pid);

    //we now have a list of all the entries that include this object.

    for (DomsObject result : results) {

        //get the ViewBundle from fedora
        ViewBundle bundle = fedora.calcViewBundle(result.getEntryPid(), result.getViewAngle(), date);

        //First, remove all the objects in this bundle from the table
        OBJECTS.delete(result.getEntryPid(), result.getViewAngle())
        //Add all the objects from the bundle to the objects Table.
        OBJECTS.addAll(result.getEntryPid(), result.getViewAngle(), bundle.getObjects())

        updateTimestamp(bundle.getEntry(), date);


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