DOMS is an open source Digital Object Management System based on Fedora Commons developed, and still under development at the State and University Library in Denmark.
The deprecated old documentation for the project can be found at http://wiki.statsbiblioteket.dk/domswiki. This page contains information primarily concerned with the installation at the State and University Library in Denmark.
- Documentation — This is the home of the technical descriptions of the modules making up the DOMS
- Production Status
- Mediestream installation documentation — This page contains information about the Mediestream portal installation
- How to install DOMS-GUI for development on your machine — How to install the DOMS GUI
- Schemas For Doms
- Development
- User Stories
- Radio/tv DOMS migrations
- "DOMS" 2
- SB Metadata repository xml tapes backend design
Project tools
Primary project wiki (MoinMoin)
Fisheye - to be added later
Crucible - to be added later
Hudson - to be added later
Nexus - to be added later
Sonar - to be added later