Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Check the log for warnings and errors.

    Code Block
    cd /home/devel/$TESTX/log/
    grep ERROR *.log | grep -v COMMON_ERROR
    grep WARN *.log

    When checking for warnings/errors, be sure to ignore any warnings/error that happened before the above restart. Also, the following kinds of entries are normal/known, and can be ignored: 

    Code Block
    arcrepositoryapplication0.log.0:WARNING: AdminDataFile (./ was not found.
    HarvestJobManagerApplication.log:13:12:05.567 WARN  d.n.h.s.jobgen.AbstractJobGenerator.generateJobs - Refusing to schedule harvest definition 'TEST6-selective-harvest-HOURLY' in the past. Skipped 71 events. Old nextDate was Fri Apr 13 13:59:19 CEST 2018 new nextDate is Mon Apr 16 13:59:19 CEST 2018
    HarvestJobManagerApplication.log:13:12:20.959 WARN  d.n.h.s.HarvestSchedulerMonitorServer.processCrawlStatusMessage - Job 124 failed: HarvestErrors = dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure: Crawl probably interrupted by shutdown of HarvestController
    HarvestJobManagerApplication.log:13:13:17.710 WARN  d.n.h.s.HarvestSchedulerMonitorServer.processCrawlStatusMessage - Received unexpected CrawlStatusMessage for job 23 with new status FAILED, current state is DONE. Marking job as DONE. Reported harvestErrors on job: dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure: Crawl probably interrupted by shutdown of HarvestController
    HarvestJobManagerApplication.2018-04-09.0.log:15:49:59.836 WARN  d.n.h.datamodel.H3HeritrixTemplate.insertAttributes - Placeholder '%{MAX_HOPS}' not found in template. Therefore not substituted by '10' in this template
    HarvestJobManagerApplication.2018-04-09.0.log:15:49:59.837 WARN  d.n.h.datamodel.H3HeritrixTemplate.insertAttributes - Placeholder '%{HONOR_ROBOTS_DOT_TXT}' not found in template. Therefore not substituted by 'ignore' in this template
    HarvestJobManagerApplication.2018-04-09.0.log:15:49:59.837 WARN  d.n.h.datamodel.H3HeritrixTemplate.insertAttributes - Placeholder '%{EXTRACT_JAVASCRIPT}' not found in template. Therefore not substituted by 'true' in this template
    HarvestJobManagerApplication.2018-04-09.0.log:14:59:59.489 WARN  d.n.h.datamodel.HeritrixTemplate.editOrderXMLAddPerDomainCrawlerTraps - Found empty trap for domain
    ArcRepositoryApplication.log:13:11:49.119 WARN  d.n.a.arcrepository.ArcRepository.startUpload - Trying to upload file '' that already has state UPLOAD_COMPLETED for this replica
    BitarchiveMonitorApplication_KBBM.2018-04-10.0.log:13:41:05.321 WARN  d.n.a.bitarchive.BitarchiveMonitor.updateWithBitarchiveReply - Received batch reply with error: Batch job failed on 1 files. at BA monitor from bitarchive
    BitarchiveMonitorApplication_KBBM.2018-04-11.0.log:11:09:47.037 WARN  d.n.c.distribute.JMSConnectionSunMQ.onException - JMSException with errorcode 'C4056' encountered:
    HarvestJobManagerApplication.2018-04-09.0.log:15:02:01.877 WARN  d.n.h.s.HarvestSchedulerMonitorServer.processCrawlStatusMessage - Job 2 failed: HarvestErrors = java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception during crawl
    GUIApplication.2018-04-10.0.log:11:05:28.412 WARN  dk.netarkivet.common.utils.DBUtils.setStringMaxLength - lastPeekUri of is longer than the allowed 1000 characters. The contents is truncated to length 1000. The untruncated contents was:;base64...
    GUIApplication.2018-04-10.0.log:13:41:05.350 WARN  d.n.a.a.d.JMSArcRepositoryClient.batch - The batch job 'ID:59980- To TEST6_COMMON_THE_REPOS ReplyTo TEST6_COMMON_THIS_REPOS_CLIENT_130_226_228_6_GUIWS OK Job: dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy.webinterface.CrawlLogLinesMatchingRegexp, on filename-pattern: 31-metadata-[0-9]+\.(w)?arc(\.gz)?, for replica: KB' resulted in the following error: Batch job failed on 1 files.

    The following kind of warning can be ignored, unless it appears repeatedly: 

    Code Block
    GUIApplication.2018-04-09.0.log:15:01:57.609 WARN  d.n.monitor.jmx.HostForwarding.registerRemoteMbeans - Failure connecting to remote JMX MBeanserver (, JMXport=8150, RMIport=8250, last seen live at Mon Apr 09 15:01:47 CEST 2018). Creating an error MBean

    The following warning may occur after a while, and can be ignored as well: 

    Code Block
    WARNING: Error processing message '
    Class:                  com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ObjectMessageImpl
    getJMSMessageID():      ID:40-
    getJMSTimestamp():      1197902260630
    getJMSCorrelationID():  null
    JMSReplyTo:             null
    JMSDestination:         TEST6_COMMON_THE_SCHED
    getJMSDeliveryMode():   PERSISTENT
    getJMSRedelivered():    false
    getJMSType():           null
    getJMSExpiration():     0
    getJMSPriority():       4
    Properties:             null'
    dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.UnknownID: Job id 23 is not known in persistent storage
            at dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler.HarvestSchedulerMonitorServer.processCrawlStatusMessage(
            at dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler.HarvestSchedulerMonitorServer.visit(
            at dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.distribute.CrawlStatusMessage.accept(
            at dk.netarkivet.harvester.distribute.HarvesterMessageHandler.onMessage(
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.MessageConsumerImpl.deliverAndAcknowledge(
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.MessageConsumerImpl.onMessage(
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.SessionReader.deliver(

    Any other warning should be considered a release test failure. 

  2. Go to the system overview page and check that all the expected applications are listening and are up without warnings or errors.
  3. Check that the scheduler schedules only one job for the hourly selective harvest.

Check that a job can be resubmitted

  1. Go to "Harvest status"→"All Jobs", select job status "Failed", and press "Show". Check that you can reject a job for resubmission using the "Reject?" button so that it is no longer visible when you list failed jobs.
  2. Check that you can see the rejected job when you now list all jobs.
  3. Click on one or more "Genstart"/"Restart?" buttons to resubmit. Note that you only can resubmit jobs failed due to harvesting errors, not due to upload errors.
  4. Check that the job-status changes to "resubmitted" and that a new Job is made from the same harvestdefinition with the same configurations.
  5. Check that resubmitted jobs contain information about which job they were resubmitted (NAS-1466)

Check Report Generation

Use a browser set up as a viewerproxy connection for this test (see ). Select any completed job and click on the "Browse reports for jobs" link.

You should see a list like


  1. If there is a warning of this kind:

    Remote JMX bean generated exception: dk.netarkivet.common.logging:applicationinstanceid=,name

    then refresh the system state overview page. The warning should disappear.

  2. Check that the scheduler schedules only one job for the hourly selective harvest.

Check that a job can be resubmitted

  1. Go to "Harvest status"→"All Jobs", select job status "Failed", and press "Show". Check that you can reject a job for resubmission using the "Reject?" button so that it is no longer visible when you list failed jobs.
  2. Check that you can see the rejected job when you now list all jobs.
  3. Click on one or more "Genstart"/"Restart?" buttons to resubmit. Note that you only can resubmit jobs failed due to harvesting errors, not due to upload errors.
  4. Check that the job-status changes to "resubmitted" and that a new Job is made from the same harvestdefinition with the same configurations.
  5. Check that resubmitted jobs contain information about which job they were resubmitted (NAS-1466)

Check Report Generation

Use a browser set up as a viewerproxy connection for this test (see ). Select any completed job and click on the "Browse reports for jobs" link.

You should see a list like

Code Block

Check that all the entries are present and browse each in turn. (Note that the HeritrixVersion, harvestIf, and jobId will differ). Some of the entries might be empty



Check that a few (like, 3) of the entries are present and browse each in turn. (Note that the HeritrixVersion, harvestIf, and jobId will differ). Some of the entries might be empty.

The following two tests ("Database crash test" and "Network recovery test") must be coordinated with the other testers.

Database crash test

Tests that the system can survive a database crash/stop and resume operation after the database is restarted

  1. Log in as root on kb-test-adm-001

    ssh test@kb-test-adm-001

  2. Stop the postgresdb and wait a couple of minutes.

    /etc/init.d/postgresql stop

  3. Verify that the GUI has lost the connection to the database by listing domains or harvest definitions.
  4. Restart the database

    /etc/init.d/postgresql start

  5. Check that the different GUI pages works as usual.
  6. Create a new active selecive and verify the a job is created and started.

Network recovery test

Tests that the system can survive a network crash/stop and resume operation after the becomes available.

Disable the network/switch/DC for some minutes and see that all batch processes reconnects and continue after restart
  1. login on to kb-test-adm-001 as root and stop the networkinterface by installing a cron-job that does this for you:
    Install script as root cronjob (Add 0 17 * * * (/root/ to restart network at 5 PM)

    # stopping network
    /etc/init.d/network stop
    # waiting 3 minutes
    /bin/sleep 3m
    # starting network
    /etc/init.d/network start

  2. Check that the connection to the GUI is lost. 
  3. After 5 minutes verify the system comes back online
    1. Verify that the GUI pages are working properly.
    2. Create a new active selective harvest definition and verify that a new job is created and started.
    3. Run a batch job or two and verify these work correctly.

Shutdown the system