- Using the GUI, go to "Harvest status"→"All Jobs", and by clicking each Job ID for the snapshot harvest in turn, find the job ID for the job in which kum.dk is being harvested.
- Go back to "Harvest status"→"All Jobs", and reload the page until the job you just identified has status "Started"... then immediately go to "Harvest status"→"H3 Remote Access", click the job ID found above, and pause the job (keep reloading the page until the job appears), until the next three steps are done.
- Go to "Harvest status"→"All Running Jobs" and search for "kum.dk" to find the name of the harvest machine (Host) for the job in which kum.dk is being harvested.
- Download the attached script and modify it to point at the correct harvester and job number
- Copy the script to kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk and run it. It monitors the "warcs" directory and as soon as the first warcfile is uploaded it detects that uploading has started and shuts down the test instance.
- Log on the Heritrix3 GUI, and unpause the job (no explicit logout is necessary)
- Wait for the job to complete, after which the TEST6 instance is stopped, starting with the apps on machine harvesting kum.dk