Make a new snapshot harvest definition with a name you can remember
- Create a new snapshot harvest Set 'Max number of bytes per domain’ 1.000.000 bytes (1 mbyte).
- Check that the job is started correctly in the 'Harvest status'->'All Jobs' in the left menu and that no errors or warnings are present in the system overview.
Stop the Test Automatically During Upload
- Using the GUI, find the job number and the name of the harvest machine for the job in which kum.
- dk is being harvested.
- Download the attached script and modify it to point at the correct harvester and job number
- Copy the script to kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk and run it. It monitors the "warcs" directory and as soon as the first warcfile is uploaded it detects that uploading has started and shuts down the test instance.
Check that at least one file has been uploaded.