Excerpt |
Uses a command-line tool several times and check that the output from the tool is correct as well as that the appropriate bit archives have been queried. |
Table of Contents |
Login to a bitarchive server, eg.
Code Block $ ssh netarkiv@sbkb-test-baracs-001.statsbiblioteket.dk $ export TESTX=TEST11A $ cd ${TESTX}
Create dir for batchprograms:
Code Block $ mkdir batchprogs $ scp test@kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk:/home/test/test-batch/* batchprogs/.
Code Block |
java -cp lib/dk.netarkivet.archive.jar -Dsettings.common.applicationInstanceId=CHECKSUM -Ddk.netarkivet.settings.file=conf/conf/settings_BitarchiveApplicationIndexServerApplication.xml dk.netarkivet.archive.tools.RunBatch -Cbatchprogs/ChecksumJob.class -R.*.arc -Ooutput.checksum |
Code Block |
java -cp lib/dk.netarkivet.archive.jar -Dsettings.common.applicationInstanceId=CHECKSUM -Ddk.netarkivet.settings.file=conf/settings_IndexServerApplication.xml dk.netarkivet.archive.tools.RunBatch -Cbatchprogs/ChecksumJobEvilBatch.class -R.*.arc -Ooutput.checksumevil |
This should produce a fileĀ output.checksum evil with be something like:
Code Block |
Legal |
This is run on the KBN replica, which has four bitapps (according to the configuration file 'deploy_config_multi_bitapps.xml'). Therefore the sentence 'Legal' is written four times.
The SBN replica one has one bitapp, and it should therefore only have the sentence, 'Legal', written once.
Code Block |
java -cp lib/dk.netarkivet.archive.jar -Dsettings.common.applicationInstanceId=EVILSB -Ddk.netarkivet.settings.file=conf/settings_IndexServerApplication.xml dk.netarkivet.archive.tools.RunBatch -Cbatchprogs/EvilBatch.class -R.*.arc -Ooutput.evil.sb -BSBN |
This should produce a fileĀ output.evil with:
Code Block |
Legal |
This is run on the SBN replica, which has only one bitapp (according to the configuration file 'deploy_config_multi_bitapps.xml'). Therefore the sentence 'Legal' is written once.