The tapes themselves are named "tape#<currentTimeMillis>tape<currentTimeMillis>.tar"
When an outputstream is opened to a blob, the global write lock is acquired by this thread. As Fedora does not tell the blob how much data it is going to write, the outputstream will buffer the written data until the stream is closed. When the stream is closed, the buffer will be written to the newest tape as a new tar entry. The object instance will be registered in the index. Lastly, the write lock will be released.
The script "tarExisting.sh" is included with the distribution. It takes two arguments, the folder to tape and the name of the tape. As mentioned above, the tapes should be named "tape#<currentTimeMillis>.tar". For each folder containing objects for fcrepo, run the command "./tarExisiting.sh <folder> "tape#$tape$(date '+%s%N').tar", and put the resulting tape in the configured tape folder for Fcrepo.