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The tapes do support purging objects. When a blob is deleted, it is written as a new instance of 0 bytes to the tape. The name of the record is now "objectId#timestampInMillis#DELETED". When an object is deleted, it is removed from the index. Upon indexing the tape (see above), records of 0 bytes with names ending in "#DELETED" cause the objectId to be removed from the index.

Packaging the old objects for Tapes

A traditional fcrepo backend can easily be converted to use tapes. To do so, the fedora server must be stopped (to ensure that the objects are not changed).

The script "" is included with the distribution. It takes two arguments, the folder to tape and the name of the tape. As mentioned above, the tapes should be named "tape#<currentTimeMillis>.tar". For each folder containing objects for fcrepo, run the command "./ <folder> "tape#$(date '+%s%N').tar", and put the resulting tape in the configured tape folder for Fcrepo.

Spring Configuration

The system is configured from the file "akubra-llstore.xml" which is a spring config file. It is reproduced below with comments. 
