Blog from June, 2021

Månedens første weekend er overstået, og med den kom som sædvanlig en ny release af bibliotekssystemet: Alma, Primo og Leganto.

Det betyder nye features, men også en forbedret performance, ikke mindst på Metadata Editor, som i mange tilfælde har reageret meget langsomt. Samtidig vil det være muligt at benytte den gamle Metadata Editor endnu nogle måneder; den skulle egentlig være udfaset her i juni.

På Alma-Wiki'en kan du se en mere udførlig liste over nye features for Alma og Leganto; og tilsvarende på Primo-Wiki for vores discovery. 

Her er nogle enkelte highlights:

Primo - ny navigation mellem sider.

Det er blevet nemmere at springe frem og tilbage mellem sider i søgeresultatet via navigation nederst på siden.

Samtidig er det nu muligt at angive hvor mange resultater, der skal vises per side (10, 25 eller 50).

Primo navigation:

Leganto - forenklet grænsefalde og ny integration

I pensumlistemodulet Leganto fortsætter forbedringen af undervisernes grænseflade, bl.a. er venstremenuen forsvundet.

Når en underviser uploader en fil, vil de fleste metadata blive udtrukket automatisk fra filen, så underviser (eller den biblioteksansatte) ikke selv skal taste oplysningerne ind.

På den tekniske side understøtter Leganto nu version 1.3 af LTI-protokollen, der tillader yderligere og mere forfinet integration med LMS-systemerne (Blackboard på AU, Canvas/Absalon på KU)

Video for undervisere om ændringer til grænsefladen:

Alma - grænseflade og nye Analytics-rapporter

Også på Alma-siden sker der forbedringer i grænsefladen. Det sker dels for at leve op til WCAG 1.2 standarden for web-tilgængelighed, dels for at understøtte mere hensigtsmæssige workflows både i Alma generelt og i Metadata Editor. (Dette er et arbejde der er i gang over længere tid, og i denne sektion kan se nogle af de ting, der vil komme de nærmeste måneder. Læs evt. mere i Alma Roadmap.)

ExLibris har opdateret og lanceret en række nye Analytics Dashboards, dvs sammensætninger af reports, der samlet set belyser et bestemt emne. De fleste af disse er tilgængelige til brug for medarbejdere, der har roller inden for disse områder. Medarbejderne behøver derfor ikke selv at bygge rapporterne op, men kan tilgå dem direkte fra deres Alma Analytics-menu (se billedet). Der er virkelige meget god information i disse rapporter, og data opdateres hver nat.

På Alma-Wikis side om Pinned Reports i Alma-menuen beskrives de rapporter og dashboards, der er synlige i Analytics-menuen (work in progress).

Præcis hvilke rapporter/dashboards der er tilgængelige for dig, afhænger af hvilke roller, du har i systemet. Fx vil du se andre rapporter hvis du arbejder med elektroniske ressourcer, fysisk indkøb, eller udlån.  

Her finder du Alma Analytics reports (din menu kan se anderledes ud):

Ved deres Knowledge Days tilbyder ExLibris mere dybtgående undervisning i brug af deres systemer. Som regel afholdes de i forlængelse af brugercommunity'ets årlige konferencer (ELUNA og IGeLU). Men som det meste andet for tiden foregår det online. De er i gang nu, og det er gratis at deltage. Benyt denne chance til at lære fra ExLibris' eksperter, og stille spørgsmål.

Hver session afholdes to gange; derefter er optagelse og dokumenter tilgængelig her på Knowledge Center.

Handling Related Records

June 1, 2021 

During this session, we will look at how Alma handles the following relations between bibliographic records:

  • Bound together titles
  • A journal that has changed names
  • A resource available as a physical format and as an electronic format
  • A link to one specific article in a journal or collection of essays.

For the above cases, we will see how the configuration is done in Alma what what the ramifications in Primo are.

Intended Audience:

  • Catalogers


Alma Analytics for Beginners

June 3, 2021

New to analytics? Just getting started? Become more familiar with Analytics by learning about the infrastructure, running several out-of-the- box analyses and editing the requested output to make the results more useful. In addition to reviewing the basic mechanics of editing these reports, we'll build several simple analyses. This session is also beneficial to Leganto users who are starting to report on usage.

Intended Audience:

  • New Alma Users
  • Anyone Interested in learning about reporting in Alma


Managing E-Resources: The Basics

June 8, 2021

This session will expose attendees to the management of electronic resources and best practices in general.

Topics covered include:

  • Acquiring electronic resources
  • Activating electronic collections and portfolios
  • Testing and confirming access to e-resources

Intended Audience:

  • New Alma Users
  • Electronic Services Librarians
  • Acquisition Staff


Central Discovery Index

June 10, 2021

Learn about the Central Discovery Index, Ex Libris' new index containing more than 4 billion records indexed. In this session, you'll learn more about the content in the database as well as how resources are activated.

Intended Audience:

  • Discovery Admins


Managing COUNTER-Compliant Usage Data

June 15, 2021

COUNTER usage statistics from vendors can be loaded to Alma either manually or via automated SUSHI harvesting. After the usage statistics are loaded in Alma it is possible to report on the usage and cost per use via Alma Analytics.

During this session we will see how COUNTER reports can be loaded to Alma and then how to use 'out of the box' ready-to-use Analytics reports, or create customized analytics reports. The majority of the session will focus on the analytics side.

Intended Audience:

  • Acquisitions and Electronic Resources Management Staff


Optimize and Streamline Alma Workflows

June 17, 2021

Have you been live on Alma for a while? Wondering what you can easily do to optimize your use of Alma? In this session, we will highlight configuration tweaks and Analytics reports across Acquisitions, Resource Management, and Fulfillment that you can use to begin to streamline your configurations and workflows.

Intended Audience:

  • Systems Librarians
  • Acquisitions, Fulfillment, and Resource Management Administrators and Staff


Overlap Analysis and Deselection Tools with Alma Analytics

June 22, 2021

More and more institutions are looking for extra physical space in the library for additional activities. Alma Analytics can help the institution to identify which physical items are candidates for deselection.

During this session we will learn how to run extensive and powerful default ready-to-use report and dashboards to find titles which are candidates for deselection because they are either:

  • Available in both physical and electronic formats
  • Available in only physical format but have a very low or non-existent usage (no loans).

Intended Audience:

  • Acquisitions and Electronic Resources Management Staff


Designing and Using Normalization Rules

June 24, 2021

Normalization rules can be used to edit bibliographic records automatically at various stages, including when importing, exporting, saving in the metadata editor, and on existing record already in the database.

During this session we will look at the rule syntax, record elements and various conditions. Actual institution use cases will be investigated and the normalization rules will be run on records as they move through various stages of Alma.

Intended Audience:

  • Catalogers


Managing E-Resources: Advanced

June 29, 2021

If you are experienced in managing e-resources in Alma, and want to learn more ways to leverage Alma's workflows and options, this session is for you. Topics covered include:
Leveraging Alma's evaluation workflows by managing trials

  • Creating electronic inventory by using import profiles
  • De-activating and deleting e-resources
  • Configuring and maintaining e-resources

Intended Audience:

  • Electronic Services Librarians
  • Acquisitions Staff
  • Trial Operators/Managers


Fundamentals of Sets and Jobs

July 1, 2021

Information can be defined as a Set from the Repository Search, Analytics, Job Reports, and more. Sets can be used by Alma Jobs for multiple purposes such as post-migration cleanup, data correction or enrichment, export to third party, Course updates, email notifications to targeted groups, and more.

Intended Audience:

  • Any operator interested in using Sets and Jobs
