

  1. Install VirtualBox (in Ubuntu it is done by sudo apt-get install virtualbox)
  2. Install vagrant  (in Ubuntu it is  done by sudo apt-get- install vagrant)
  3. In IntelliJ import https://sbprojects.statsbiblioteket.dk/stash/projects/DAMA/repos/dspace-overlay/browse 
  4. Follow the installation procedure described in release procedure
  5. DSpace can after the installation is finished be found at dspace-devel:9841/xmlui/


The DSpace installation script is installed at dspace-devel on port 9841. Administrator is dm-admin@statsbiblioteket.dk and the password is "hidden".

Practical guidelines for starting an institutional repository

DSpace Manual.pdf

Local test installation of DSpace

6 ways to improve your dspace

DSpace installation (conference video presentation)

Powerpoint description of DSpace configuration

DSpace replication add-on

ORCID plug-in


Expand Dublin Core Metadata to DDI

DSpace 5.x Manual

File size limit in DSpace

DSpace versioning

Customizing DSpace