Quick Start Manual

This is a short primer to get a simple version of the NetarchiveSuite system up and running. Users with little technical knowledge can evaluate the software by installing it as described here.

The QuickStart environment can be deployed in one of two ways.

For developers who are used to working with docker containers and docker-compose assemblies, the netarchivesuite-docker-compose project provides the simplest way to deploy a complete NetarchiveSuite instance. The Release Notes for each NAS release include a direct link to a tag of the docker-compose project for the given NetarchiveSuite version. Follow the Readme.md to build and deploy the software.

The earlier Vagrant quickstart environment has proved to be more difficult to maintain and is no longer under active development.

The "traditional" quickstart uses a pre-built script that starts all components on the same machine. This allows you to start experimenting with the functionality without having to do any more setup than absolutely necessary. This version of quickstart uses NetarchiveSuite's own deployment system (based on a single XML deployment-configuration file). If you are interested in using this deployment system in your final distributed environment then this may be the correct choice of quickstart-environment for you.

Using the traditional quickstart system does not require great technical knowledge, but does require a Linux system and some familiarity with the Linux command-line. The installation is run from your user login, but it assumes that there exists a user called "test" on your machine and that an ssh server is installed so the you can execute "ssh test@localhost" from your command line. Ideally you should also have installed your public ssh key under the test user so that the ssh process can proceed without having to enter the test-user's password multiple times. The next page describes the software requirements for the machine where NetarchiveSuite is to be installed.

Going through this quick start should take about an hour.

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