Institutional Usage of NetarchiveSuite
At the KB-Denmark Netarkiv we are working on some quite radical changes to our backend architecture - replacing our ArcRepository storage with software, and implementing a new mass-processing architecture probably based on hadoop. As part of this process we would like to know what parts of NAS are actually in use at our partner institutions so we can develop a strategy for future support.
NAS Applications
Which of the following NAS applications (services are in use in your production environment?
Application | Denmark | France | Austria | Spain | Sweden | Comments |
HarvestControllerServer | y | y | y | y | y | |
GUIWebServer | y | y | y | n | y | |
HarvestJobManager | y | y | y | y | y | |
ChecksumFileServer | y | n | n | n | y | |
ViewerProxy | y | y | n | y | y | BnF: we only use the ViewerProxy to get access to warc files Sweden: currently not working due to storage requirements |
WaybackIndexer | y | n | n | n | ||
AggregationWorker | y | n | n | n | ||
IndexServer | y | y | y | y | y | |
ArcRepository | y | y | y | y | y | |
BitarchiveServer | y | n | y | n | y | |
BitarchiveMonitorServer | y | n | y | n | y | |
AccessBitarchiveServer | y/n | n | n | n | This is a special read-only server which is used in a specific data-extraction system in DK, outside the main Netarkivet installation. |
Which of the following plugins are used in your production setup? Those marked with a are default values set in the packaged settings file.
Interface | Implementation | Denmark | France | Austria | Spain | Sweden | |
AbstractRemoteFile | HTTPRemoteFile | y | |||||
HTTPSRemoteFile | |||||||
FTPRemoteFile ![]() | y | ![]() | y | ||||
ActiveBitPreservation | DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation | y | |||||
FileBasedActiveBitPreservation ![]() | y | ![]() | y | ||||
Admin | UpdateableAdminData | ||||||
DatabaseAdmin | y | ![]() | y | y | |||
arcrepositoryadmin.DBSpecifics | DerbyServerSpecifics | ||||||
DerbyEmbeddedSpecifics | |||||||
MySQLSpecifics | |||||||
PostgreSQLSpecifics | y | y | y | ||||
ChecksumArchive | FileChecksumArchive | y | ![]() | y | |||
DatabaseChecksumArchive | |||||||
JMSConnection | JMSConnectionSunMQ ![]() | y | y | y | y | y | |
ArcRepositoryClient | JMSArcRepositoryClient | y | |||||
LocalArcRepositoryClient | y | ||||||
MonitorRegistryClient | PrintMonitorRegistryClient | ||||||
JMSMonitorRegistryClient ![]() | y | y | y | y | |||
JobIndexCache | IndexRequestClient ![]() | y | y | y | y | ||
Notifications | EMailNotifications | y | y | ||||
PrintNotifications | y | ||||||
FreeSpaceProvider | DefaultFreeSpaceProvider | y | ![]() | y | |||
FreeSpaceProvider | |||||||
OnbFreeSpaceProvider | y | ||||||
datamodel.DBSpecifics | DerbyServerSpecifics | ||||||
DerbyEmbeddedSpecifics | |||||||
MySQLSpecifics | |||||||
PostgreSQLSpecifics | y | y | y | ||||
JobGenerator | DefaultJobGenerator | y | y | ||||
FixedDomainConfigurationCountJobGenerator | y | y | |||||
ArchiveFileNaming | LegacyNamingConvention | y | y | y | |||
CollectionPrefixNamingConvention | y | ||||||
FrontierReportFilter | TopTotalEnqueuesFilter | y | y | y | y | ||
ExhaustedQueuesFilter | |||||||
MaxSizeFrontierReportExtract | |||||||
RetiredQueuesFilter | y | ||||||
HeritrixLauncherAbstract | HeritrixLauncher ![]() | y | y | y | y | ||
IHeritrixController | HeritrixController ![]() | y | y | y | y | ||
HarvestReport | LegacyHarvestReport | y | y | y | |||
BnFHarvestReport | y | ||||||
IndexRequestServerInterface | IndexRequestServer ![]() | y | y | y | y |
Command Line Tools
Over the years, the NetarchiveSuite codebase has accumulated a lot of command line utilities. Some of these were probably developed for a single specialised use-case or for test purposes, but others may have become part of the normal workflow at the various repositories. Here is a partial list of those that look most likely to be of general interest. Please mark any of those you know of that are used as part of your workflows.
Tool | Purpose | Denmark | France | Austria | Spain | Sweden | |
DeployApplication | Creates deploy scripts from a deploy-config | y | y | y | n | ||
HarvestdatabaseUpdateApplication | Updates HarvestDB schema | y | y | y | |||
BuildCompleteSettings | Merges module settings files in NAS to one large global default settings file. Run as part of release process. | y | n | ||||
GetFile | Retrieves a file via the ArcRepository interface | y | n | ||||
GetRecord | Retrieves a (w)arc-record via the ArcRepository interface | y | n | ||||
LoadDatabaseChecksumArchive | Migration tool from file-based checksums to database-based checksums | n(?) | |||||
ReestablishAdminDatabase | For reestablishing the admin database from a '' file | ||||||
RunBatch | Runs a batch job from the command line | y | |||||
Upload | Uploads a file to the ArcRepository from the command line. (Handy for testdata.) | y | y | ||||
ReestablishAdminDatabase | Should be deprecated ![]() | ||||||
ClassDependencies | Non NAS Utility (license is not ours) | ||||||
CreateIndex | CLI to talk to IndexServer via IndexClient | ||||||
RunChecksum | CLI to get all checksums from a Bitarchive (deprecated) | n(?) | |||||
SendDedupIndexRequestToIndexserver | Asynchronously starts a dedup indexing on an IndexServer and then exits. Tue Hejlskov Larsen is this what you use to generate deduplication indexes? | i don't know ... | |||||
MakeIndex | Runs a CDX extraction on a single file in a remote ArcRepository | ||||||
FindRelevantCrawllogLines | Finds crawl-log lines matching a given domain name in a local metadata file | ||||||
JMXProxy | "This tool will simply reregister all MBeans that matches the given query from the JMX hosts read in settings, using* its own platformmbeanserver. It will then wait forever." | ||||||
DeduplicateToCDXApplication | Extracts CDX records for deduplicate annotations from a local crawl log file | ||||||
ResetFailedFiles | Utility for WaybackIndexer to reset files that have failed more than 3 times so they can be retried | n(?) | |||||
ARCReaderUtils | Splits an arcfile (not warc) and dumps results to a directory | ||||||
ArcWrap | Creates an arcfile by wrapping a file | ||||||
ExtractCDX | Extracts CDX records, unsorted, from a list of local input arcfiles (not warcs) | ||||||
JMSBroker | Checks that a JMS broker (as specified in NAS settings) is up and running. | ||||||
WriteBytesToFile | Just creates large files full of null bytes | ||||||
FTPValidator | Tests if an ftp server configuration in a NAS settings file points to a NAS-compliand ftp server. | ||||||
ArcMerge | Merges several arcfiles into one arcfile | ||||||
ArchiveExtractCDX | Extracts CDX records, unsorted, from a list of local input (w)arcfiles | ||||||
WARCExtractCDX | Extracts CDX records, unsorted, from a list of local input warcfiles | ||||||
ReformatTranslationFile | i) reorders a translation file so keys are in the same order as a reference file, and ii) allows the encoding of the output file to be changed | ||||||
MailValidator | Checks the validity of a mail-server configured in NAS settings by sending a test-mail | ||||||
MakeNewMetadataFile | Creates a metadata file. For use when postprocessing fails. Is this used? | ||||||
FindDomainsForCrawllogExtraction | ? | ||||||
CheckDuplicateReduction | Validates deduplication by comparing a crawl log with a collection of arcfiles. (not warc) | ||||||
StandaloneApplicationReduced | Creates a standalone NetarchiveSuite in a single JVM | ||||||
MigrateDefaultHarvestDatabase | This just initialises a SiteSection object which is supposed to upgrade the harvest database as a side-effect | ||||||
CreateCDXMetadataFile | Complex tool that takes a set of filenames and runs a batch job to extracts the cdx'es from each files and pack them in a metadata arc or warc file, one record per input file | ||||||
HarvesterQueueControl | Tool to count the number of messages in a given JMS queue | ||||||
HarvestDatabaseValidator | Validates whether you can connect to the harvest database with the settings in a given settings file | ||||||
HarvestTemplateApplication | Utility for uploading and updating heritrix templates | y (in test) | |||||
CheckDomainCrawltraps | Runs through all domains in the harvest database and checks whether each crawlertrap regexp can validly be included as text-content in an xml document | y | |||||
CheckTrapsInFile | Runs through a list of crawler-trap regexes in a fileand checks whether each crawlertrap regex can validly be included as text-content in an xml documen | y(?) |