2011 Workshop Conclusion
2011 Workshop Conclusion
Schedule for Day 2 (Friday 25)
Location: Tower 3, Level 4, Meeting Room
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:00 Tour of BnF data center (Bert)
14:00 - 15:00 Summary (Sara, Mikis, Clément)
Summary of the workshop, next steps, roadmap.
Action plan for Curator collaboration
- All curators should subcribe to the mailing list (netarchivesuite-curator@ml.sbforge.org) => Mikis will check who is and who isn't on the subscriber list and send notices
- All curators should register to the new wiki and use the Curator pages to share information => everybody
- All institutions should decide on 1-3 topics to work on, not too much time consuming, and use both the wiki and the mailing list to echange on these topics => see below
- Institutions should send monthly updates by email (on state of current production, ongoing developments, projects, useful informatino to share...) prior to the developer teleconferences => Michaela for ONB, Peter for BnF, Sabine for KB/SB will be in charge
- Mikis, Sara and Sabine will work on the wiki to organize the pages and make a "JIRA structure" out of the revised roadmap
Common topics to work on in the next 2-3 months
- Share templates and crawler traps => all
- Share information and documentation on wayback indexing workflows => all
- Gather requirements on the need "Give the ability to search more than only domains names (comments, number of objects/bytes, crawler traps…)" => all with KB as a pilot (NASC-17@jira).
- Draft an outline of a Spring prototype => Nicolas
, multiple selections available,