2011 Workshop Jhonas Track
2011 Workshop Jhonas Track
Day 1 (Thursday 24) - 14:00 - 17:00
Location: Tower 1, Level 4, Clément's office // Chair: Clément
- Presentation of Jhove 2 ARC module.
- Use of Jhove 2 ARC module in BnF digital repository.
- Presentation of containerMD.
- Preparation of Jhove 2 W/ARC module evolutions.
- Preparation of Jhove 2 WARC module requirements.
Day 2 (Friday 25) - 09:00 - 12:30
Location: Tower 1, Level 4, Clément's office // Chair: Clément
- Preparation of Jhove 2 WARC module requirements.
- WARC Tools project.
- Next steps organization and coordination.
- Preparation of WARC in NetarchiveSuite
Based on the Foster WARC usage in scalable Web Archiving workflows using Jhove2 and NetarchiveSuite proposal.
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