2014-05-23 IIPC GA in Paris

NetarchiveSuite community planning meeting - Tuesday 19th 17:15-reception

Discussion on future developments organization and resources.

Participants: Mikis, Michaela, Birgit, Clement and Sara

See mail from Mikis for input

Developer discussion - Thursday 22nd 9:30-12:30

Review of development tools and practices.

Participants: Lam, Mikis, Colin, Andreas

NetarchiveSuite user meeting - Friday 23th 14-16


  • DK: Birgit, Mikis, Sabine, Colin
  • BnF: Clément, Annick, Géraldine, Sara, Sébastien, Lam
  • ONB: Michaela, Andreas
  • Spain: Mar
  • Estonia: Jaanus, Tiiu


14-15 : presentation of NetarchiveSuite roadmap and upcoming developments, contributions, work organization, fall workshop

Discussion sum up: SB/KB are starting an important and extensive development phase to integrate H3 in NetarchiveSuite (the objective is to have a production release with the core requirements for the beginning of 2015). Development will be exploratory, tasks discussed on the developer list and new tasks defined and prioritized along the way. More curatorial-oriented topics will be treated after the first release. NetarchiveSuite community members are willing to participate to this effort: ONB, Estonia, Spain, BnF will participate to the testing (involving both developers and curators); BnF could also take upon small development tasks (especially those focused on monitoring and metadata).   

The 2014 NAS Workshop could be an opportunity to gather curatorial requirements and discuss H3 developments. ONB propose to host the workshop in Vienna on December 3-4. Estonia also offer to host it in Tallinn in the beginning of 2015 as part of an international seminar on web archiving.

15-15:50 : 10 mn presentation of each institution current projects and priorities

15:50-16 : update on BCWeb

BCWeb (version 5.1) code is frozen and includes several features to be used outside of BnF context along with English translation, code optimization and user management diversification. Documentation and packaging is almost done. The project will be hosted on BnF Forge and Github. Spain and KB can contact BnF to get a developer account to have access to the code base. We still need a formal agreement from our lawyers to use an open source license.