Old unit test guidelines

Old unit test guidelines

Unit Test Guideline

From the very start, a part of our development process has been to use unit tests to validate our coding. While we have had to learn some lessons about how to properly make unit tests (some of which lessons are not fully reflected in old tests yet), our overall experience is that unit tests have been a great boon to the stability of our code. We thus encourage others to make use of the unit test framework provided with !NetarchiveSuite. See the "Practical matters" further down for instructions on how to run the unit tests that come with !NetarchiveSuite.

Motivation and Guide

What is a unit test?

A unit test is an automatically run test of a delimited part (unit) of the code -- a method. Unit tests should be small, run quickly and automatically, not depend on external resources, and not prevent other unit tests from running.

Each method, except for the most trivial getters and setters, should have a unit test. This test should check that the method does what it claims it does, and that it handles error situations in the way it claims it does. If the method changes an object's state, that state change should be checked. If the method temporarily changes an object's state, but claims to change it back, it should be checked that the state is changed back.

It is important that a unit test tests just one method. Firstly, it limits what goes into the unit test to a manageable size. Secondly, it provides a focus for what to test and what not to test -- other methods called from within the method need not be tested, as they have their own tests. Thirdly, it limits the amount of tests that will need changing if the methods interface changes. Lastly, it reduces the complexity of each test, making them more comprehensible and easier to maintain.

The JUnit framework helps streamlining unit tests, and is supported by a number of development environments (IDEs). With it, writing a unit test can be as easy as creating a method that compares the results of running the tested method against expected values. For instance, the below would be a reasonable test method for the `java.lang.String.substring(int, int)` method:

public void testSubstring() {
    String testString = "teststring";
    assertEquals("Legal substring should be allowed", "str", testString.substring(4, 7));
    assertEquals("Substring from start should be possible","test", testString.substring(0, 4));
    assertEquals("Substring to end should be possible", "ring", testString.substring(6, testString.length()));
    assertEquals("Substring of the empty string should be possible", "", "".substring(0, 0));
    try {
        testString.substring(-1, 5);
        fail("Substring with negative start should be impossible");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        assertTrue("Error message should contain illegal index value",
    try {
        testString.substring(7, 5);
        fail("Substring with end before start should be impossible");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        assertTrue("Error message should contain illegal index difference",
    try {
       testString.substring(1, 100);
       fail("Substring with end too far out should be impossible");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
       assertTrue("Error message should contain illegal index value",

The standard method name testTestedMethodName is used by JUnit to find tests to run, and by IntelliJ/Eclipse to allow navigation to and direct execution of individual tests. This test first checks standard (successful) usage, on examples of increasing complexity, then goes on to check the error scenarios, making sure that the right exception with the right message is thrown. The ~+`assertEquals`+~, ~+`assertTrue`+~ and ~+`fail`+~ methods are provided by the !TestCase class in JUnit, and take care of formatting an error message in a readable manner. As an example, here is the (first part of the) output of running the testing with the third assertEquals only substringing out to ~+`testString.length() - 1`+~:

junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: Substring to end should be possible
Actual :rin
at dk.netarkivet.tools.UploadTester.testSubstring(UploadTester.java:44)

Why would you want to do unit tests?

Two words: '''Saving time'''. Unit tests increases your development time slightly, but decreases your debugging time significantly. Perhaps more importantly, it reduces the number of bugs that make it into the final code, decreasing customer dissatisfaction, support costs, re-release effort etc.

Unit tests provide a structured and simple way to continuously test your code. Large-scale (integration) tests of the entire system or significant subsystems are not good at pinpointing the reasons for failure, or at checking all possible modes of use of every single method. Large-scale tests typically are only possible late in the development cycle, when significant amounts of code have been written. Unit tests allow you to test much smaller parts of the code at a much earlier stage, letting you pinpoint errors with great accuracy and easing the task of testing extreme cases and error conditions.

A less obvious, but possibly more important, reason to do unit tests is that you get a clearer idea of what you code does (or should do). It's all too easy without unit tests to write "a method that extracts the domain name from a URL" in a way that seems to work, but that fails to even be clear about what a domain name is or what happens if the URL has no domain name. When writing the unit test, you have to ask yourself "how can I test what this method does?", and answering that question forces you to answer, in very exact terms, the question of "what does this method do?". Writing the unit test for the domain name extractor would raise questions of whether the domain name is the full hostname or a subset, which protocols are accepted (https? mailto? dns?), and importantly, how it handles malformed URLs or other bad input.

A third reason to create and maintain unit tests is that it provides a safety net for making changes to the code. In the Netarkivet project, we belatedly realized that XML doesn't scale to millions of files very well, and decided to move to using a proper database instead. The database involves 17 interrelated tables. The changeover was done in just a few man-weeks, partly because the data access was abstracted using DAO classes, but also significantly because the usages and assumptions were encoded in unit tests. Whenever code is changed, unit tests can catch unexpected side effects.

When do you write the unit tests?

In the Netarkivet project, we have used a code-unit-tests-first method of implementation. It may seem strange to test something that doesn't exist yet, but such code is actually the easiest to write unit tests for -- there is no implementation there to lead your thinking into specific paths and make you overlook the special cases that cause bugs down the line. Typical method implementation has three steps:

  1. Create the API as a stub method that is guaranteed not to work.
  2. Write a unit test that uses that API -- this test will fail.
  3. Implement the body of the API and see that the unit test passes.

Say that we want to create the method mentioned above that extracts domain names from URLs. The first step is to create the API and make sure it can compile:

public class DomainExtractor {
    /** This method extracts domain names from URLs.
      * @param URL A string containing a URL, e.g. http://netarkivet.dk/index.html
      * @returns A string that contains the domain name found in the URL, e.g. netarkivet.dk
    public String extract(String URL) {
         return null;

Next, we create a test class for this method (using JUnit) and implement tests for the functionality. When implementing tests, we should be in the most evil mindtest possible, seeking any way we can think of to make the method do something other than it claims it does.

public class DomainExtractorTester extends TestCase {
    public void testExtract() {
        DomainNameExtractor dne = new DomainNameExtractor();
        assertEquals("Must extract simple domain", "netarkivet.dk",
        assertEquals("Must extract long domains", "news.bbc.co.uk",
        assertEquals("Must not depend on trailing slash", "test.com",
        assertEquals("Must keep www part", "www.test.com",

The ~+`assertEquals`+~ method inherited from test case takes three arguments: An explanatory message that tells us what we're testing for, the value that we expect to get from the test, and the actual value that the test gave us (in this case the return value of a method call).

At this point, we may realize that the method API does not specify what happens if we give it something that is not a URL, like "www.test.com". Does it throw an exception? Does it return null? Does it return some arbitrary part of the argument? Specifying error behaviour is as much a part of specifying the methods behaviour as saying what it does on the "good" cases. Also, what if the URL is not an HTTP URL, like "[[mailto:owner@test.com|mailto:owner@test.com]]"? Possibly we were really just thinking of HTTP URLs, but then we need to specify that, too. These realizations should go into the javadoc at once, and the test should be expanded to check them (not shown here).

Tests should be written in such a manner that each test checks one thing (starting with the cases that would obviously work), and that no two tests check the same thing (e.g. checking both the URLs "http://test.com/foo" and "http://test.com/bar"). Knowing exactly what a "thing" is is not always trivial. To some extent, it can be derived from the API description, but it also depends on what the implementation will look like. An implementation using regular expressions would behave very differently from one splitting by characters, for example. Thus, the first tests should check the basic functionality, but then more can be added during implementation as special cases that might go wrong are noticed.

When the test is written to the point where basic functionality (and error cases) is tested, the test is run. This is merely a sanity check that the test compiles and works (for complex tests, there may be some setup prior to the first result being checked). The test, of course, will fail. This is clearly because the implementation is missing, so now we can go on to implementation.

Implementation will frequently seem very trivial once the tests are written. During the test writing, a lot of the special cases and error behaviours got defined, so writing the code that implements this is a much more straight-forward task. It can sometimes be beneficial to run the unit tests during implementation, when you think you've implemented some of the parts that are checked first. Also, even with a good unit test, you may still run into cases where redesign is needed, or where other code prevents you from doing what you thought you could (say, if a URL decoder library is used, and it doesn't provide you the functionality you were hoping for). Whenever the API is changed, the unit test should change too, reflecting this change -- otherwise it doesn't test that change.

Once the implementation is done, the unit test of course must pass.

This seems complex, why would you want to code unit-test-first?

The above example might look like there's a lot of coding to unit tests, and I cannot pretend that there isn't some coding. However, two factors ameliorate it: Firstly, a lot of the framework of the tests can be provided by a good IDE, secondly, unit test code is not production code and does not need to meet as rigorous a standard -- this can even make it quite fun to make unit tests, firing off one mean example after another.

Writing the unit tests before the implementation has the very real benefit of ensuring that the unit test gets written. All too often, once a method is implemented, adding more testing to it seems like a waste of time -- after all, you can just look at the implementation and see that it works, right? Our experience has shown that if the unit tests are left to be an afterthought, they simply do not get created.

Perhaps the greater benefit of writing the tests early is the way it forces you to think about what you're doing. Many programmers have an urge to get "down to the real stuff" and implement things as soon as possible. Starting with the unit tests allows the programmer to do some coding at once, but simultaneously forces him or her to think about the design before committing to implementation. Updating the API or extending the documentation while writing the first unit test is the rule rather than the exception. In particular, since the design choices found by making unit tests cannot be embodied in code yet, there is a greater tendency towards putting them in the Javadocs where they belong. One could say that there should be a correspondence between what the documentation states and what the unit tests test for -- if the tests test more, there is undocumented functionality, if they test for less, they are not complete. The unit tests come to do for code what double-entry bookkeeping does for accounting: Provide a way to double-check correctness.

A third advantage of doing unit tests first is that it forces the programmer to break the design down to manageable pieces. If a method is too complex to test, it is probably too complex to debug. If a method is hard to test due to complex interrelations with other methods, those same interrelations would be a source of hard-to-find bugs. On the other hand, a method that is easily tested can also more easily be reused in other contexts, as its behaviour is well known.

What are important things to keep in mind when making unit tests?

'''Make the test as simple as possible, but not simpler.''' Each test should test only one method, not the methods that the tested method calls. Look at what the method /itself/ does and test that. Also, check what the method promises in its !JavaDoc and disregard that which is promised by those methods called in turn by the tested method.

'''Tests should take a short time to run''', typically a fraction of a second. The Netarkivet system at the time of writing has 899 unit tests, and takes over three minutes to run on a fast development machine -- which is too long for frequent use. The longer the tests take to run, the less frequently they will be run. On the flip side, don't do "small-scale" optimizations that might save one or two instructions -- you can't tell what the Java run-time system optimizes anyway.

. Ideally, you '''run the unit tests as a matter of course''' during development, not as an afterthought, and slow tests are a hindrance for that. In many cases, especially with new code, you can run a subset of tests most of the time, but when changing old code, there could be cascading changes in other tests. These changes are important to catch, not only because failing tests would distract other coders, but because they indicate a dependency that might not be realized otherwise. Often, when a test in another area of the project starts failing, the cause can be traced back to unclear design or lacking documentation.
Unit tests are '''much more useful when they all pass'''. If somebody has left some tests failing, it becomes difficult to see the effects of changing the code. If all tests pass when you start coding, you '''know''' that any tests that start failing are due to your changes.

You cannot always get your unit tests passing by the time you have to commit. '''A halfway finished test should not disturb the other testers''', but should show up on reports. We have developed a system to allow developers to skip other developers' unfinished tests, but also have a list of the skipped tests which must be kept short and preferably contain a reason why the test is skipped. We do this by having a setting "dk.netarkivet.testutils.runningAs" on the JVM, which tells us who should be considered running the test. In an unfinished test, a check is added at the start, and if we're not running as either the developer mentioned in the check or "all", we skip the test.

You should '''have a goal for coverage and measure against it'''. Tools like Clover allow automatic calculation of which lines are reached by unit tests, summing up coverage by lines, statements and control points over classes, packages and the whole project. Measuring the coverage allows you to spot when you're slacking off on the testing, and can pinpoint critical areas that are not tested. In Netarkivet, we have a goal of 80% coverage of statements, and most of the time have been at 75% or higher. The non-covered part is typically error conditions and simple getter/setter methods. The former, while important to test, are difficult to set up correctly if you have error checking against "impossible" situations or exceptions caused by underlying libraries.

Always have a message on the ~+`assertX()`+~ or ~+`fail()`+~ call. '''Without a failure message, you cannot tell what you're testing for''' -- you end up testing things outside the target method or retesting the same thing in different contexts. The message should tell you what you're expecting to happen, e.g. ~+`assertEquals("Should get imaginary number for square root of negative number", new Imaginary(0.0, 1.0), o.sqrt(-1.0))`+~. Not only does that make it easier to see what the problem is when the test fails, it also clarifies what the test actually tests, reducing the risk of redundant tests. Implicit in this should be to always test the results of an operation -- just running a method doesn't prove anything but that it doesn't throw an exception.

Some objects can take a long time to convert to a string, so including them in every message to ~+`assertX()`+~ can slow down the unit tests unacceptably. This can be ameliorated if you '''make your own test utility classes''' that define new ~+`assertX()`+~ methods, where you can delay the conversion until you know that the test has failed. Remember that each call to ~+`acceptX()`+~ is vastly more likely to pass than to fail, so reading an entire file into memory for each such call would slow things down a lot.

Many objects don't live in isolation, but depend on other objects and sometimes (unfortunately) on static state. A typical example of static state is a Singleton class. Even a test that does not make use of these other objects or state directly may cause them to be created as part of object construction. '''Any such external object or state must be reverted to its original at the end of the test'''. JUnit provides a guarantee that the ~+`tearDown()`+~ method is called at the end of a test, whether it succeeded, failed, or threw an exception (except if the !AssertionFailed exception gets caught, which you should never do!). The ~+`tearDown()`+~ method, which in most cases will mirror the `setUp()` method, must ensure that the test has had no side-effects. Unfortunately, this is not always an easy job, as some side-effects can happen far away from the object itself and not be noticed until another test, far down the line, tries to use the same resource. Modular design and the use of mock objects can help isolate the test from side-effects, and usually makes the test easier to write, too.

Make sure to '''vary the samples''' that you test against, to avoid caches or cut-and-pasted code returning an old value that inadvertently passes for good. Also remember to make your test samples as evil as possible, doing the most obnoxious thing you can possibly do /within the parameters set/. This could include using empty strings, string with parts of regular expressions or other markup, integers that may overflow or underflow, etc.

While unit tests can point you in the direction of cleaner design, '''avoid the temptation of making design decisions solely for the benefit of testability'''. Use the unit tests as an indicator of potentially problematic design, not as the reason for the design. This includes setting access rights to what makes sense in the product code, even if it makes it harder to unit test. Java's security model is not exactly helpful here -- having a `friend` keyword would have made it much, much easier to test. This can be handled somewhat by using reflection (all Field and Method objects can be made accessible with the setAccessible method), but it is more cumbersome. It could be interesting to extend a compiler with a @Friend annotation that makes the compiler convert outside access to private members into calls to the reflection API.

'''Don't test your setup.''' If your setup statements (that is, statements required to make ready for testing the method in question) are so complex you need to assert their results, you're probably doing something wrong. Look into whether you are testing more than just the one method, or if the method itself needs to be split into several methods.

'''Don't try to prove a negative.''' It's tempting to test that a method call don't change things it's not supposed to, but you can't really do that. Any method can change all manner of things, if it really wants to, and you cannot check them all. Only if the !JavaDoc or other design contract explicitly states that some parts are unchanged should that be checked.

How do you make a unit test for X?

We've run across many different kinds of code to make unit tests, and found solutions to at least some of them.

Interaction with external resources:: When writing code that interfaces with external resources, the easiest way to test that ''your'' code works (don't attempt to unit test an Oracle database installation:) is to provide a mock object that emulates the resource. If you code is cleanly written, this is likely to be easy. A mock object is an object that can be used instead of the real thing, but has much reduced functionality. For instance, it may give pre-calculated answers to the specific calls that the unit tests make, or it may give dummy answers and count how many times it has been called. A generic system for mock objects is available at [[http://www.mockobjects.com|mockobjects.com]].
Exceptions:: Don't catch exceptions unless either the test should throw one, or catching is required for cleanup. The latter should be very rare, as cleanup properly is the province of ~+`tearDown()`+~. Particularly, accidentally catching the exception thrown by ~+`assertX()`+~ or ~+`fail()`+~ will abort the tests with no explanation as to why. When a method specifies that it throws exceptions under certain circumstances, the correct way to test it is this:

    try {
        fail("Should have thrown GotSomethingAwfulException when given something awful to work on.");
    } catch (GotSomethingAwfulException e) {
        assertEquals("Exception should remember color of awful thing", "green", e.getColor());

Trying to catch other exceptions leads to extra code with no gain, confusion about the interface, tests that fail in intractable ways, and incomprehensible tests. The above style should be used exactly for when the method ''should'' throw an exception according to its API.

`System.exit`:: While calling `System.exit()` is frowned upon in server applications, you will also sometimes want to test command-line tools or other systems where `System.exit()` may reasonably be called. We have created a standard class that uses a !SecurityManager to catch `System.exit()` calls, which would otherwise abort the entire test run. This can be extended to indicate whether a `System.exit()` call was expected or not.

What are unit tests not good for?

There Is No Silver Bullet, of course. Unit tests can help you get better code, but it can only go so far. There are several types of problems that are difficult or even impossible to really test for in unit tests, and such untestable parts should be noted for testing in larger-scale tests.

Parallelization:: Interactions of multiple threads, or worse, multiple processes, are difficult at best to test. Many of our attempts have ended with tests that pass only occasionally, or that sometimes hang the test system. We have a few ideas that work, though:
* Make sure the threads have recognizable names, and if the threads are expected to terminate, wait in a loop till they have. Make sure to have a timeout on it, though.
Complex interactions:: Despite the best design efforts, some errors only occur when multiple components are put together. Even if each component does its part perfectly well, misunderstandings of designs and assumptions can cause unexpected behaviour. This is properly the field of integration tests. Some errors also come up because the unit test writer didn't think of every possible case, but in that case the unit test can later be extended to cover other cases.
External resources:: Interactions with name servers, databases, web services or other resources that either are slow or unpredictable should be avoided, as it complicates the setup and makes spurious errors more likely. Such resources can sometimes be replaced with mock-ups that give the answers that the tested methods expect.
Hardware-dependent problems:: Some bugs only occur on some platforms or when specific hardware is in use. For instance, Windows has mandatory locking that can make cause the `File.delete()` method to fail until the lock is released. This is not a problem under Unix, so our unit tests never attempted to test that problem. Much as Java would like to be truly platform-independent, there are always some differences.
Scaling:: Scalability issues are typically hard to test for within the time constraints of unit tests.
== Practical matters ==
All our unit tests are placed under the `tests` directory (along with some integrity tests), using a directory structure that mimics the classes they test (such that they can access package-private members). Each package contains an `XTesterSuite` class, where X is the module name and the last part of the package name. This class assembles the tests in that package as one bundle of tests, but also allows the tests to be run as a separate suite. Typically, each package also has a `TestInfo` class that contains various useful constants (names of test data files, for instance), and a `data` directory containing all test data for that package (but not its subpackages). The tests for a class `X` are placed in a class `XTester`, with each method `fooBar()` being tested by one or more methods whose name begins with `testFooBar` (incidentally, this format is understood by the !UnitTest IntelliJ plug-in).

Running unit-tests

The unit tests can be run using the Ant target "unittest". Other test suites can be run as ''ant test -Dsuite=${SUITE-CLASS}'', where SUITE-CLASS is the class name with the dk.netarkivet prefix removed. ''Eg. ant unittest'' corresponds to ant test -Dsuite=!UnitTesterSuite.

If you want to run the unit tests in another manner, e.g. from within your development environment, run the class `dk.netarkivet.tests.UnitTesterSuite` with the following java parameters:


It is recommended to also use the option `-Ddk.netarkivet.testutils.runningAs=NONE` to avoid running unit tests that are not expected to pass.

Running Integrity-tests

To run the integrity-test it's assumed you have a running FTP server and JMS broker.

The FTP server server should grant access to a user 'jms' with password 'jms*ftp'. The user 'jms' should be able to execute the normal ftp operations like: read, write, append, list, and so forth. The FTP server should run on port 21 on localhost.

The JMS broker should be setup with a broker where username 'controlRole' and password 'R_D' is assigned and run on port 7676.

Excluded tests

We have a system for excluding unit tests from execution when they either depend on external issues or belong to code that is still under development. This prevents the unit test suite from being 'polluted' by tests that are not yet expected to work. A test can be excluded by using the `dk.netarkivet.testutils.runningAs` method:

if (!TestUtils.runningAs("LC")) {

This causes the test to end successfully unless the tests are run as the user `LC`. The tests can be run either as a specific user, as NONE or as ALL, by setting the property `dk.netarkivet.testutils.runningAs`, e.g. `-Ddk.netarkivet.testutils.runningAs=LC`. When run as ALL, every unit test regardless of exclusion is run -- this is used for the daily regression tests. When run as NONE, no excluded tests are run. Typically, a developer would run the unit test suite as him- or herself to see ones own failing tests but not be distracted by other developers failing tests.

In order to avoid excessive exclusion, it is a good idea to generate a list of which exclusions are in place by grepping for 'testutils.runningAs' in the source. At release time, only exclusions stemming from problems that cannot be solved yet and that are not blocking the release should be in place.

Private methods

Private methods are just as deserving as public methods of being tested, but due to Java's lack of a "friend" concept, they cannot be directly accessed from other classes. Instead, we have a utility class `ReflectUtils` that provides methods for accessing private methods as well as private fields (for easier setup). An example of using reflection for tests could be:

    hc = HarvestController.getInstance();
    Field arcRepController = ReflectUtils.getPrivateField(hc.getClass(),"arcRepController");
    final List<File> stored = new ArrayList<File>();
    arcRepController.set(hc, new MockupJMSArcRepositoryClient(stored));
    Method uploadFiles = ReflectUtils.getPrivateMethod(hc.getClass(), "uploadFiles", List.class);
    uploadFiles.invoke(hc, list(TestInfo.CDX_FILE, TestInfo.ARC_FILE2);
    assertEquals("Should have exactly two files uploaded", 2, stored.size()); // Set as sideeffect by mockup

JUnit assertions

JUnit comes with a base package of useful assertions, but we have over time crystallized out more assertions. These all live in the ~+`dk.netarkivet.testutils`+~ package, which is placed together with the tests. Along with a number of miscellaneous support utilities and mock-ups (described below), there are the following new asserts in the testutils package:

ClassAsserts:: The assertions in here (`assertHasFactoryMethod`, `assertSingleton`, and `assertPrivateConstructor`) pertains mainly to singleton objects, of which there is a small handful in the system. The `assertEquals` method tests via reflection that the `equals` method obeys the requirements from `Object.equals`.
CollectionAsserts:: The `assertIteratorEquals` and `assertListEquals` methods provide more detailed messages about differences in iterators and lists than just doing `equals`. The `assertIteratorNamedEquals` is for specific use by `HarvestDefinitionDAOTester`.
FileAsserts:: These methods help inspecting test results that reside in files. The `assertFileNumberOfLines` method checks the number of lines in a file without holding the whole file in memory. The other methods are utility methods that provide more informative error messages for tests of whether files contain strings or match regular expressions.
MessageAsserts:: The one assert method here checks the generic JMS message class !NetarkivetMessage for whether a reply was successful and outputs the error message from it if not.
StringAsserts:: The three utility methods here are similar to those of `FileAsserts` in that the provide better error messages for string/regexp matching.
XmlAsserts:: These assertions help test XML structures. The `assertElementHasAttribute` and `assertElementHasNotAttribute` check for the presence of a given attribute and whether it does or does not have a given text. Similarly, the `assertNoNodeWithXPath` and `assertNodeWithXPath` methods test whether or not a node exists in a document corresponding to a particular XPath string, and the `assertNodeTextInXPath` checks if an existing node contains a specific test.


As using objects in their normal contexts became more and more difficult in an increasingly complex system, we turned to [[http://www.mockobjects.com/|mock objects]] to simplify unit tests. Additionally, we have standardized some of our most common set-up/tear-down procedures into objects of their own. An examples of how we are using this can be seen in the test class ~+`dk.netarkivet.common.utils.StreamUtilsTester.java`+~ and the tests found in the test package ~+`dk.netarkivet.harvester.webinterface`+~.