Tek_DTUB_DTU Space

Overordnet casebeskrivelse
TitleDTU Space: Geomagnetic data from observatories and satellites
Responsible Mikael K. Elbæk, DTU and NN
Research goal To be defined.
Involved partners

 DTU Bibliometri and Data Management and researchers from DTU Space

Case - Livscyklus for forskningsdata
Which existing data is being considered?

Digital data (collections) acquired prior to start of project (e.g. name of collection).

1) Geomagnetic real time data about the Earth's magnetic field from observatories located in Denmark and Greenland.

2) Magnetic field models for data collected by satellites in collaborations with ESA.

What should these data be used for (detailed description of questions and goals of the research project)?

DTU Space wants to improve the accessibility and visibility of their data and be acknowledged more.

The main questions are:

  • Where can the data be stored in order to enhance visibility and accessibility?
  • Which tools can be used for tracking usage of the data and data models and connecting them with publications?
  • How can the visibility on DTU's webpages be improved?

Who is responsible for the data?

DTU Space.

Are there any legal restrictions (sensible data, patents, copyrights)?

No, all data is open. However, commercial use should be approved by DTU Space.

Who gets access to the data?

Everybody. All data should be open for the scientific community and the public. Commercial use may be restricted.

Where is the data located?

On various ftp servers at DTU and international collaborators.

On various databases of the scientific community.

On the department's homepages.

How big is the amount of data to be considered (e.g. GB/TB and number of objects and files)?

Not known exactly, but "manageable amounts" (not big data!).

What file formats are present in the collections?

GPS, ASCII and software.

Which tools are being used or are being considered (with links)?

For data acquisition and storage: 

For metadata and DOI creation:

Do data and tools require special software / systems?



Experience from other projects will be greatly helpful.

Which new data is being generated within the project?

What is the connection between existing and the new data? (Are there data products? Do all datasets need to be preserved?)

All data should be preserved.

Subsets of the real-time data can be regarded as new datasets.

The magnetic field models are considered as data products.

What should the new data be used for (detailed description of research questions and approach)?

The data should be of general use for the scientific community and the public. One specific idea could be an auroral forecast.

Which file formats should the new data be in?

There is no "new" data created in that sense.

What is the amount of new data created (size, number of files / objects)?

There is no "new" data created in that sense.

Does the new data be of value after the end of the project and should be preserved? (If yes, which value and to whom?)

See above.

Which tools should be used for the new data (with links)?

See above.

Is the development of new tools being considered?


Case ifht. livscyklus
 Data Management Planning Data capture, storage and documentationData identification, citation and discovery Select and deposit for long term preservationTraining and marketing toolSustainability
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